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    True but I’m talking the same people who were saying it mere weeks ago, not just during the election...I mean better late than never, but still, it felt sudden from some people...agan if it’s a full turning point on purity tests instead of just trying to declare the social issues unimportant compared to economic ones

    My big issue with the Mello thing is how it relates to Orsoff and what that says about the biggest problem with progressive purity tests: who designs the test? Because whoever does the designing is going to be biased, no matter what.

    Yeah, my high school celebrated the end of Ramadan--admittedly they did this just by letting us party on the baseball field at lunch since for most of the school it was “Yay Our Friends Can Eat With Us Again Day!” but you get the idea. A lot of kids went potluck, whatever teacher they had before lunch usually let them

    Adam and Eve were the humanity beta test. Once they were functional enough to disobey God implemented other humans into the programming.

    Especially since the pyramids would have been built at a different time from the Israelites being enslaved. They’re from some of the oldest rulers while the whole Moses thing, best anyone can date it if it happened, happened around Rameses II or at least in that era, like a thousand years later.

    Just off the top of my head, they’ve been excavating a wall in Jersualem allegedly built by King David. Thing is, they carbon dated the wall. Either David is not the king who built the wall or the Bible is wrong about when he reigned. So that’s one he’s wrong on.

    Yep. I had a car at college. It was my dad’s, he got mom’s SUV while she got the new car with some money from her late mom’s will. When my car died my cousin sold me his for $500, which is what he paid grandma for it back when she and granddad decided they no longer needed two cars. I still have that car (thing’s 20

    So there’s this trend I think needs to be discussed...namely, leotard shirts. Tons of stores are doing it now and it is very wtf inducing for me. I mean some are smart and just have fasterners near the bottom so you can undo them easily for the bathroom, but some are full on leotards! Is this a reaction to the return

    Yep. That’s pretty big.

    Exactly. Hell, every Let’s Play I’ve seen has been majorly different, not just in Divine Beast order but in general style. One person worked through the story and shrines at a steady rate before spending over a dozen videos just doing all the thins to do before going to see Ganon. Another did EVERY shrine no matter


    North FL reporting in: bad idea. It is not a fun place for liberals in the north, which is still VERY solid Bible Belt. My mom often relates how the first question anyone asked her when we moved there (i was 2 1/2) was “what church do you go to?” Some neighbors legit stopped talking to my parents because they voted

    Honestly it’s the only thing that increases traffic...

    I like that. Supply-side social justice. Good description.

    He’s pissed some people off by who he’s supporting Heath Mello in Omaha, a Dem who’s against abortion rights. Sanders shurgged it off as just a one issue that they differ on. The DNC has been running damage control to try and remind people that yes the party still supports those rights and it is Bernie, not the party,

    I saw more of this posted on tumblr. Someone actually reported her to ICE for this. Her reaction was essentially “jokes on you, I’m a citizen”

    The Daily Show and some others have been playing the clip of him going to a restaurant in a black neighborhood. That man has never left a bubble, I swear...

    Good news is DC has greatly improved lately so I can go back to reading that (dropped most of it after the ‘11 reboot and the rest after they killed Damian Wayne). But yeah I have not liked Marvel recenly. Last holdout was Agent of Asgard which got too confusing when they tied it into Secret Wars.

    Yep. I remember being in college for Fear Itself which was supposed to be just the Thor and Cap books. Nope, dragged the whole universe in anyway. For no good reason.