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    “the inerrancy of God’s Scripture.”

    It totally dismantled the “the war wasn’t for slavery” argument by listing every reason in every declaration of secession the Confederate States gave. Slavery comes up a lot. “Tariffs” which conservatives usually cite, comes up in only one. I think it was maybe two that mentioned states rights, but one or both it was

    Yeah. My mom’s mehodist and dad is reform Jewish. Both are pretty secular, but a lot of my dad’s parents’ friends refused to come to the wedding, as did some of my mom’s relatives (tho with how many she had almost no one noticed, her mom was one of thirteen). When we moved to FL we all attended a methodist church to

    Hell this was a plot point in Rebels. The Lasat homeworld of Lira San hasn’t been in contact long enough fo the lasats in the Outer Rim on Lasan to totally forget it even existed because it’s so hard to reach (it’s right by a collapsed star whose gravity is super hard to navigate). The Chiss and their little empire

    Yeah. There was a privilege poster at my college a few years ago. Tho it wasn’t all white privilege, there was also male privilege, cisgender privilege, straight privilege, economic privilege, religious privilege, and maybe a few others I’ve forgotten.

    Yeah. My dog’s a little over 2 now and thinks the baby talk voice, if used when he’s being walked, means “please jump on me! please!” so I’ve had to warn a few people when he gets bouncy that it’s because excited and high pitched mans jump time.

    *Civil War Ned Brain Engages*

    Yeah, my reading is they specifically used a bomb that strong due to how deep the tunnels were. I’m ambivalent on the reporting of it but if proper channels were followed then I think this is mostly okay.

    Seriously. One of my tumblr pals posts a lot of Middle Eastern fashion spreads. Gorgeous stuff.

    Exactly. Both of them need to get a grip, revauate, and come together.

    Yep. Like, the college democrats meetings in Tampa I went to in college were pretty big—like 20+ at all times, but when it was time to go out and register people to vote only 6 showed up. Club president called the rest out for that one.

    This is very true. And when we try to be positive about things we’re accused of getting complacent when no, we’re just trying to maybe celebrate something small that went right and trying to build momentum from it.

    But is a populaist anti-establishment candiate still anti establishment when the establishment backs them? You might be fine with it but many others have proven time and again that they are not.

    I’m a little giggly at you think Jez is centrist paradise.

    Yep. I grew up in a red area, I know how it is. You’re usually only got to get someone liberal on some issues who you try to pull left as time goes on. But “liberal on some issues” is still better than “not liberal on anything.”

    I concede that 1 and 2 are more on the left but 3 and 4 are both the centrists and the far left. You have plenty of centrists who want to abandon various policies in various places just as you have the farther left want to abandon certain policies in various places because they feel that those policies aren’t the way

    Well there has been (Perez and Ellison both have prushed for it and hard) but a lot of people are still angry and won’t get over themselves. Biggest issues I’ve seen:

    Pretty much.

    Plus I can see them thinking “wait if he’s running as a Bernie-style populist will the appearance of DNC support hurt him more than help him in a red state?” because we liberals are good at overthinking.

    You win.