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    Yep. I got so confused during Fear Itself a few years back (which originally was just supposed to be a Cap and Thor crossover that they forced the rest of the MU into) but the main writers managed to make things work so I shrugged it off. But lately it’s gotten to be too much again.

    Yep. I was super into Loki Agent of Asgard, it had so much going for it, but then things got wonky when they had to tie it into Secret Wars and the reboot and I just dropped it. Mostly been reading Buffy, Harley Quinn, Gang of Harleys, and Wiced+Divine.

    Yep. I’ve gotten tons of ads in Spanish and what I think is French at various points (we’re talking for a few weeks all the ads will be in another language). I do not speak either language and I’m not sure why YouTube’s algorithm thought I could, but outside a few cleaning products not only did I not recognize what

    Yep. Quite a lot of people I watch on there have one, and have had one for a while. Linkara’s another (which I praise for helping with the History of Power Rangers scheduling, yay Linkara’s pateron!)

    And Chelsea! People have been floating her name and so she finally just points out she’s not running and then people start acting like “uh huh, the lady doth protest too much, why would she say it if she wasn’t running?” and I’m like “because people keep saying she would as a way to keep their Clinton hate boners

    Yep, and like this movie they later tried to make it a plot point “oh they changed his looks to diguise him!” A Fix Fic I read did something cool: Harrison is NOT Khan but a subordinate of his (Starfleet were not dumb enough to wake up Khan) and Khan got woken up during the sneaking around on the evil ship. Harrison

    And the Clone Wars cartoon only expanded on his brilliance. My god the public persona of a kindly grandpa that man crafted all while seizing more and more power (while pretending he was oh so reluctant to do so), making people think he was on their sides...when a guy like Count Dooku is merely your pawn you are a

    Dude came from the Freedom Caucus today. He is going to run out of bridges by May at this rate.

    Seriously so few people get Cass right anyway. Her best writers from the comics or nothing.

    I mean Damian’s not white, he’s mixed (depends on where you say Talia is from but the Al Ghuls are typically portrayed as Middle Eastern), so there’s that. And you can avoid white savior-ing with Tim since in many continuities the Drakes are fairly well off themselves (and Jack Drake was alive for several years of

    This is one place my economic professor would not budge on. Yes it’s so sad that other nations are very poor and exploited but “absolute poverty” (aka absolytely no basic human needs met) has decreased severely worldwide and hey it’s better for all of them than it was in the 60s (debatable, especially in areas that

    Yep. My grad school’s main campus is in Berkeley. I’m from a pretty well off family but since there were no dorms we had to apartment hunt and things only got remotely affordable half an hour out (as in, not 3-4 thousand a month, half an hour with no traffic). And with how traffic is driving back at night is now 2

    No kids but I volunteer to bring my dog and chat about superheroes, ponies, and Power Rangers for hours on end. And introduce them to better PR seasons than the current ones.

    I’m from the FL Panhandle. Liked some of it, hated some of it. But nowhere else will ever BE the Panhandle nor should it or could anyone make it no matter how hard they tried (would be a bad idea, we had very poor city planning overall).

    Thank you. I knew something felt off about what I was typing but I wasn’t sure what was wrong. Must have misremembered the word.

    The Tyrells did. And Cersei offed them.

    My guess is that by all her fucking up down south she’s essentially aiding the white walkers because now thanks in large part to her and her family the North is destabilized, the Reach is destablized, the Stormlands are destabilized, King’s Landing is half blown up, they have no money and no plan. Their chances of

    And even if you win you still can die so someone else can win next. No win is permanent.

    I have never understood wanting to move to an area because it’s seen as “trendy.” Like, my needs are, in order: can have my dog there, in my price range, distance from work makes sense given price.

    We were discussing this at my internship this week regarding the Bay Area and DC. We noted part of the problem is also local NIMBYs who resist cheaper housing going into their areas when the problem is not enough houses to go around so of course wealth wins.