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    For Aquaman it feels like they’re going for a bit of his DCAU characterization but with the ham of his BatB character, so I think I’ll love it.

    I think I’ll like Aquaman. If WW’s movie is as good as I hope I’ll like her too. Flash seems cool.

    Oh god. That poor man can’t ever wear a sweater.

    Oh god yes the angles. I think the only excuse is if it’s treated as being a bit outdated in the movie, like he made it himself and it’s not the BEST tech it’s what he had or something. Maybe give him a future upgrade.

    Yeah, that’s my only real complain, the colors. I can tell I’m going to love Aquaman already, Flash looks adorable, WW seems sufficiently badass, and I’m glad they put some humor in...now just a little more color please?

    Yep. I mean it depends on the store how many babysitters there are (my local Safeway’s are so glitchy that if all six are even up they have two babysitters since sometimes it get confused if a bag moved a few inches on the scale, but that’s rare as usually only 4 are even up and 2 are down) but if you consider it a

    He probably can’t hold still for a tailor. He strikes me as the kind of person who’d find it tortuous having to stand still with your back straight for however long it takes.

    Very good post. Thanks for all the links!

    Well said. Also makes me wonder how to support the Kurds more...

    My money’s on we get some movement in the next five years or so...something’s go to give. Whether it will give for good or bad, idk, but Palestine has to hold elections eventually and Israel is due for them in ‘19 so those are potential turning points.

    Urgh. Point taken.

    A very important perspective indeed.

    Sometimes it’s more a pendulum—goes right, then left, then right, then left. What you need to do is while your side is in power, do what you can and try to set up protections for when you’re eventually out of power and the people relying on you don’t have you in power to protect them.

    It’s like I said on the previous thread. Deep down a lot of us feel “Never Again” really just means “Til Next Time.”

    I mean....Palestine is still having its elections put off and boycotted! My god. I was just checking in ro see when their next one was after lookng up Israel’s and they’re STILL in turmoil over them.

    *hugs* I’m sorry it’s so stressful. And scary. God knows I freaked when CNN has “Are Jews People?” on their screen.

    Just look at Disney—over time, their princesses get pinker and pinker.

    Deep breaths. Just because we’ve got some dinguses on this issue doesn’t mean you should kill yourself.

    I just checked and Palestinian elections have been suspended since 2014, when they were supposed to happen. How is THAT self-determination by any means?

    There was this great NPR article I read around 2012 that was just interviews with the people of Israel and Palestine and so many disagreed with the leaders and admitted to feeling helpless since for now the majority wants th conflict to go on.