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    Schumer is in the Senate and is screaming about Senate things: namely that they’re going to filibuster Gorsuch. They announced it today.

    My parents say I was a fussy sleeper and eater. I’d take only a few sips and then knock right on out for an hour then wake up for a few more sips. My first word, naturally, was “done.”

    TBatB was a pretty widely liked show so, idk. Ditto for the DCAU. A lot of people know who he is but like to make “useless” jokes about his powers since they forget he’s super strong and durable and think he can only talk to fish.

    Now playing

    Yeah. Justice League did better: he cut off his own hand to free himself to save his son and then replaced it with a hook. Much cooler. He was a badass in the DCAU.

    Both Aquaman and Mera look SO much better if you just brighten the colors. So much.

    Aquaman was one of the best things about Batman The Brave and the Bold cartoon. OUTRAGEOUS!

    We still have time for Wonder Woman’s film to be good. I’m split as of the trailers.

    YES. I am so mad at the lighting; it is making everything look terrible! People on tumblr keep doing filter corrections and it’s so much better!

    A buddy break in to the Fortress of Solitude!

    That shot looks so much better, too! The one up top has Flash and cyborg look really freaked out.

    I don’t think that last line was sincere enough to count as “true”.

    This isn’t The Party doing anything. Any citizen can change their party affiliation for any reason, party leadership be damned. She feels the Democrats more represent her values than the GOP and thus changed parties. It’s not like they’re announcing they’re running her in 2020. She may even never hold office again, as

    That is the only good thing that show has produced. Someone made an extension I love of Hux crushing on not!Kylo (constantly alling “Matt” in to do work because he has a crush) and Kylo being sure Hux is onto him...and he’s not.

    Yeah. Everyone focuses on the happy ending instead of the fact that until they did this show the boss had no idea how some of the jobs in their company worked! Like, at all!

    Urgh, yeah. Wife Swap. It was bad when it started but then they decided to be edgy and start swapping seriously incompatible families. Like one woman who was sent to a Wiccan family broke some of the kids’ magic related things and berated them for believing. Or whenever they send a feminist to an ultra-patriarchal

    You do make a good point. Part of the issue is this is where a single bad teacher can screw the district.

    Yay! My mom is going to be so happy! She teaches kids with learning disabilities and honestly has been worried sick about her class of two years in our hometown since she moved up near DC last year for Dad’s job. The next teacher has apparently been causing some backsliding—against the advice of the paras—and the

    You can say the same for Israel, that it would not be being so harsh if not for the fact that as soon as it was formed it got attacked from all sides and has been under threat since the day it got there. That Jews know “never again” really just means “til next time” and tend to take those sort of threats DEADLY

    Hamas have genocide as a mission statement. Forgive me for not being so generous on them.

    She ‘s also pretty badass. Was so upset when she hurt her hip two days before the DC march, she’d been planning to go. Also does Meals on Wheels for less mobile seniors for the holidays.