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    Honestly the show was never going to do great because of the main plot they were pushing in the trailers of Danny being a rich guy trying to take back his family company after being gone for a while due to superhero origin story. Like, Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark did it years ago, it’s old hat. Take that limp plot and

    My hometown fucking NEEDS tourism so yeah, this might not end well for a lot of places.

    I don’t think this is going to last because it is going to piss off corporations. They now cannot send ANYONE on trips directly to or from those places. You cannot check a company laptop with secrets on it, they will not accept it, because if ANYTHING happens to that laptop it is an insane liability. Someone could

    My guess is they assumed since all us liberals are such bleeding heart emotional messes, the logical man must by a conservative (ignoring Spock fucking had emotions).

    I was like “is it the zits?”

    I know! The definitive Joker, Firelord Ozai, and so many more wonderful roles! The man did amazingly!

    He and Boyega have had some of the cutest twitter exchanges. They’re both such adorable nerds.

    Plus lots of the trolls get even more mad when instead of reacting out of anger and getting angry at them and yelling so they can have their “lol u mad?” moment, you do something constructive to demonstrate why they’re on the losing side overall.

    Honestly it makes me think a lot of them have studied at the classical antisemite school of discrimination, where you accuse the minority you want to attack of secretly having all the power and running the world and being specifically against the success of whatever group you are, while simultaneously considering

    There was a FB post a friend of mine reposted to tumblr that said similar. It said that Trump’s election has emboldened some people to say things they have always thought, and then they get upset since in their eyes Trump didn’t get penalized for saying it (by winning the election) and thus they should not face any

    I’m asexual so I’m supposed to be invisible XD.

    And tragically now they’re at the top. I cann’t believe this shit.

    A rework of them but yeah. I actually kind of like that they’re taking the time to set up each of the five teens’ issues and giving them problems since—and this could be just me—when I was a kid and Mighty Morphin’ was on reruns, they all felt weirdly perfect.

    I remember a story one of my economics professors told us. He was helping his son house hunt in the Bay Area since it was his son’s first house and he didn’t know what to look for beyond price range.

    Yeah. I was on formula due to my feeding habits early on (wake up, have a few sips, fall asleep for an hour, repeat) weren’t conducive to breast feeding since by the time mom got any flow going I was done and pumping was uncomfortable.

    He’s already started his 2020 campaign to take advantage of campaign finance laws and keep putting ads everywhere.

    Yeah, ours added a great arcade (with some tickets for prizes too but I personally love watching the intense DDR matches that crop up)

    Yep. A lot of stuff that looks good online does not look as good when I try it on so I prefer a store for clothes.

    Yeah, my local mall is usually pretty packed. A lot of kids come by after school and the college kids from the nearby campuses (one main school and a satellite for my school) like to eat at the revamped food court (tho we are still waiting on the sushi place, which had a delay). Some of the smaller stores come and go

    Maybe this is the more immature part of my brain saying this but...as adults, are professional reviewers and any of us commenting potentially missing how teenagers will view the characters? As an example, I remember very well how I saw certain films as a kid and looking at how some adults at the time reviewed them