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    We need to focus on voter ID laws intended to diminish turnout. Defeat them where we can in time for 2018, and where we can’t, provide assistance to everyone who wants to vote. Help them navigate the system, provide funding if they’re paywalled to get documents they NEED to register and get the IDs they need, do

    Seriously, LOOK T HER FROM THE SIDE. Spines don’t jerk in that hard!

    Yep. Someone even drew some lines if people need help (and noted the plygons go sharp in some areas). I think the belt glitched to be a bit small. Compare to her trailer look. Game:

    Exactly. The pain issue is the waist. From the front you could argue that the belt is a cinch belt and meant to pull in a bit but the side-views make it clear something is up. Her spine just juts in above and below the belt, so my guess is the belt rendered a bit too small.

    To be fair, he can be beaten by a little pony.

    That was my response. Number one didn’t even get nine percent? Pretty worthless.

    I asked why no one said anything. Most were worried the husbands would take the rest of the tip if they called their wives thieves. Or the wife would get the server fired.

    The kitchen thing always confused me since my dad always did the cooking. Even as a little kid I knew it it wasn’t baking or pot roast mama was NOT going to be in the kitchen. And she once screwed up the pot roast hilariously (got the wrong cut of meat and nearly made it leather, dad figured out how to save it so she

    We also need to help people in voter ID areas get the stuff they need to vote. Are there charities out there helping people comply? I know the laws are shit but even overturning them takes time we don’t have so if the issues are paywalls to get documents or hard to understand bureaucracies are there ways we can help?

    Voter ID is going to be the real challenge and we can’t rely on the courts to save us (even if it does’t go to the SC, it takes time to overturn shit). Are there orgs that help people comply? Like guide them through the process, help get documents that may be behind paywalls (a lot of birth certificates are), that

    I imagine them as being like this one boy in my middle school carpool. He was not a morning person and his mom (my mom’s bestie at the time) usually only even got him out of bed ten minutes before we got there (it apparently took several tries sometimes)—enough time to throw on clothes and eat a small breakfast.

    Yeah, I’ve known this for a while. My mom’s told me a lot of stories of women screwing over other women in her time working, and how sad it makes her. The most common was wives of rich men stealing waitress’ tips at a pancake house she worked at. The wives would outright double back and take most if not all of the tip

    Oh please, she’d never be St. Bernie to them even without this. She went for Hillary after the nom was decided, remember, and suddenly the adoring far left decided she was a traitor.

    Yep. DeVos has even a decent chunk of conservatives worried about her so there may be possible flips.

    Worst part is it’s still saner here than HuffPo on that topic. Not giving me hope for 2018...I have some ideas like Voter ID drives in key states if we won’t be able to combat their restrictions in time, but it’s useless if the left is eating each other.

    I found it very well structured, as that sort of help-you show went. The rules were simple and made sense, good consistency, and the guys all played off each other well.

    Go over to HuffPo, tons of BoBs live in the comments there still blaming Hillary and Democrats for not giving into the Bern. It’s pretty disheartening, actually makes me worried we won’t be able to mobilize was well by 2018.

    This explains a lot of comments over at HuffPo. There was an article about a summit Clinton attended recently to address what Democrats did wrong and how to fix it (the article showed the summit was very serious about it too, pointing out flaws) but tons of Teh Revolushuns in the comments keep going on about how the

    Here, if you need it a bit faster.

    It is moderately satisfying, deeply humorous karma, yes.