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    Tumblr and facebook, mostly. People seem to forget social media can be very public and say stupid things.

    I have tumblr pals in their 40s who have been outright told to leave the site but know it all teenyboppers. It’s so stupid.

    When we moved to a new house in 06, my mom went out of state to buy furniture. Dad stayed with me for the week. My god there was so much condescending bs from the cul-de-sac.

    As a tumblrite...ignore them. A lot of them are teens (the average age for tumblr is 14-18, a 25 year old like me is “old” there) just parroting whichever SJW account they follow and some of those accounts are seriously misinformed and have their own wars with each other (and there are others that are more measured

    Problem is, that fringe element has a habit of getting LOUD, especially in liberal spaces. The breakdown I’ve seen in my various online hangouts has been about 2/3s good, calm critique like this article and 1/3 “fuck you [group I consider too privilaged to have been in the march]” sorts of things. That 1/3 is not

    It’s part of their severe Madonna-Whore complex. A “good” woman who makes a good wife is not sexually desirable to them. Hence the proliferation of mistresses.

    Urgh the Federal Hiring Freeze is going to screw me if it goes on too long. I’m in museums and a lot of the ones I wanted to get hired by after graduation happen to be federal. Fuck you Trump, I’ve had three yeas of grad school for this...but no, he’s going to be so good on jobs, they say...

    Mothma made Leia take Theepio because he drives the base bonkers. R2 wasn’t allowed out to fight becuse Threepio was driving Leia bonkers so she made r2 keep him busy.

    Steven Universe if you need something more of the entertainment angle (I can’t speak as much to the scientific one).

    It’s getting more in demand too. My generation (millenials) don’t have too many who want to teach either because we know teacher are treated like shit or because it doesn’t pay enough. So we’re running low on teachers.

    My mom once went to sub at the high school I was zoned for (but did not attend) which is the newest, wealthiest, and whitest in our area (instead of a cafeteria it has a food court and it also has a full pool). By her second class she’d had a kid she was trying to discipline demand to know if she knew “who my father

    That is so awesome.

    May she hopefully steer things more King’s Speech and less Artist then...yeah, yeah, I know interns don’t have that power but still. I do wonder what department she’ll be in and what sort of things she’ll be doing. I’ve known people who’ve interned for directors but not producers.

    Hs anyone ever REALLY listened to “Speak Now”? Because to me it sounds like the song of a creepy obsessed stalker who has gone unhinged at the thought of her lust object marrying another woman. To say nothing of T-Swift’s notorious use of the Madonna Whore complex in multiple songs. And yet parents let their teens

    Slow motion makes almost everything funny.

    Don’t care about winning. Just buy a cute kit that’s from a fandom your kid likes. I know last year Michaels had Scooby Doo ones. Have fun with the absurdity.

    Plus the upper part is but her skirting isn’t (give they were all about dat ass). I assumed they meant total bodysuit. Even then if you move Mercy it’s STILL not even 50-50 because I forgot Sombra and her rad coat in the not catagory.

    I think if she ditched the gloves it would be good. With the glove it looks weird.

    Because Trumps aspire to class but do not have it.