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    Hillary just told him what Home Alone traps Joe Biden put in the White House, thus her, Laura, and Bill’s laughter.

    Look at Laura. That is one hell of a “this had better be some kind of joke” look. She ain’t happy. 

    The nly FPS I ever got good at was Splatoon. Agreed, the controls are just too wonky for me in most games.

    Seriously, I follow Your Overwatch and they are but one of many channels who care solely about the meta (and how people misinterpret the meta). There’s also muselk, zylbrad, and many others posting hilarious Let’s Plays of them doing some amazing andfunny stuff in game, just like many others (including muselk) have

    I doubt it. If they were in the tumblr crowd they’d also have brought up Reaper’s thighs, Hano’s chest, and Genji’s butt. My god does tumblr love a good Genji butt joke.

    Uh, you might need to check your math.

    Yeah, the main sci-fi I like is Star Wars because it still has a ton of fantasy elements.

    I think jerks in general are more fun when they’re someone to contend with (either as a needed but not liked ally or an enemy) than when the game has you playing a jerk. Like I don’t mind when games give you jerk-y options, but by and large most people will avoid those unless it’s simple curiosity or they want 100% of

    The answer is three magic words: Tough On Crime.

    The comments on Dr. Gunter’s article involve some amazing whitesplaining from this one guy.

    Plus her paranoid hate of any woman younger than her due to the prophecy. Like, I have to admit that while show!Maragery is awesome, it also made Cersei totally right in being paranoid about her instead of showing how Cersei was seeing enemies everywhere.

    Yeah well we’ll see how it goes. Legend tells she used to be really progressive as a teen but went to college and came back hardcore conservative. Go figure.

    Lucky. My aunt thinks Trump is brillaint and in excellent phyiscal shape and of course doesn’t have the hots for his daughter and admitted even if he did she wouldn’t care since ha-ha he made the Democrats lose.

    Or really Obama magically not fixing various things as proof he actually sucked coming form the left...

    Scarily enough, there are women who think Cersei should be a feminist icon. The ones who bought into book!Cersei’s claims that the only reason she doesn’t have power is because of Westerosi misogyny (which while Westeros is very sexist 1: Cersei is also sexist in the “I’m the only woman who’s badass and all others are

    China, most likely.

    Yeah, Ana is a big part of Triple Tank. Nerfing her a bit should help, as should the hook fix since Roadhog was also a big part of the setup.

    Yeah, she and Ana both got a little too nessessary so I understand the need to nerf them down a bit.

    Yeah. Only one to get anything like an overhaul is Symmetra (two ults, one of which is totally new, plus totally changing one of her abilities). Everything else is tweaks like add or minus health or shields, up damage or heal rate, and so on.

    Also YES IT HAS. There are species that have moved back down the scale as their numbers have recovered.