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    This is a serious issue I see cropping up. You can’t bitch about people not knowing things and also be willing to not tell them when they ask about those things in good faith.

    It’s similar to what went down with Star Trek Into Darkness. They were afraid if they cast an Indian guy to play Khan, well, then their climx is literally a middle eastern dude flying a large aircraft into skyscrapers and causing a huge disaster. They weighed things and went with casting a white guy as Khan as the

    Idk maybe they’re viewing it as temporarily pcking the Jews to beat the Muslims? They can twist anything. Like how women are the over emotional ones while being total prudes AND emotionless being incapable of love and only after big dicks are both valid viewpoints of the Red Pill. They will twist it somehow.

    Their qualification appears to be their net worth. I forget, are we at 14 billion or 17 billion now?

    Yeah. I mean, some of their security measures do make sense given simply the increibly tense state things are in over there...and others are very much not good ideas or only making tensions worse. You have to parse out specifically what does and does not make sense but extremists on both sides presume that stance to

    I think the issue is it’s hard to state conditional support in a pithy way. Like, I’m all for Isreal existing and not getting invaded and/or nuked, but I’m not in favor of the settlements. But being for it exsiting at all gets me labeled “pro Isreal” and people think I’m for all the bad shit they do, and being

    Seriously, most anti-semites aren’t stupid. They know they get more leeway with “anti-zionist” and that most people won’t scrutinize what they’re actually saying so long as they use the right words. Most neo-nazis I’ve seen blabber on use Jew and Zionist pretty interchangibly.

    The tray is an issue even if you’re short like me. It messes with my laptop, reclining in front of me.

    As a Floridian, yeah. He seems very Florida.

    Don’t forget she’s a hateful warmonger who must be stopped before she makes Syria worse!

    I prefer Green Tea Party myself since they seem to think the Tea Party’s obstructionism and inability to govern as anything but the party of no would be great if only it was on our side.

    Oh you’d think that but there are lawyers who claim unless there is a specific statement of protected class then no, it’s not protected because if A wants to discriminate against B and B cites what you said, A will then say that not discriminating against B infringes on THEIR rights somehow. It’s how we had Jim Crow

    Worst part is this kind of thing CAN work. There are big swaths of the LGBT+ community that aren’t okay with each other, including decent chunks of the LGB against the T (also LG against the B, LG against asexuals, infighting between trans and intersex and so on and so forth). During Ace Discourse on tumblr a lot of

    The problem isn’t the social views, it’s that some liberals have sold out having utter purity of views ahead of actually enacting social change and helping people at all. The lesson shouldn’t be “throw social justice overboard” it’s that who’s the better social justice warrior, the person who fights to secure the

    And make it a good bench. The GOP had their sideshow of a dozen plus because really they had no one. Get four or five good people up there and let them debate and rev the base and kick from elephant ass.


    Thing is, when you suggest that, then you get some on the left who start whining about the evils of capitalism and no, no, we shouldn’t appeal to the pragmatists since it’s not morally pure enough. Then they fall back on the idea of “well maybe the reactionary will hurt enough people and then we’ll get revolution!”

    Ring a ding ding. Like, I’m Floridian, I know we’re fucking bonkers. Bring on the FL jokes, for they are true. And yet when you get on about flyover country doing crazy shit? Oh no, you’re a coastal elitist who doesn’t get “real America” or something.

    I know, that would make us imperialist scum after all!

    You mean to tell me the man whose son shared and legitimized Pizzagate is also a fuckup?