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    When I first read this story I just laughed. I know it was met with a lot of (warranted) outrage. But he sounds to me like a vapid, insecure little boy who is way too busy staring at his own navel to be any good in bed. I’m not 50 yet but suffice it to say I would not be of interest to this asshole. But I can also say

    That must be it, because who else would be acting like anyone marrying Nick Jonas would only be doing it for social status? It makes no sense.

    I think her hair is incredibly beautiful. But also, what the fuck? Nobody questions Bernie Sanders’ ability to do his job because of his crazy ass hair. But I guess the answer to that is white guy.

    School bored the shit out of me. But one of the only things my dad ever did for me was to convince me to play the game. Pretend I cared just enough to get the grades I wanted, so that I could get the fuck out of there and not be stuck in my hometown after high school.

    I finished her book on a plane over the weekend and kept crying because I loved her more with every chapter. Now this? Just when I thought I couldn’t love her more she finds a way to be even more amazing.

    I had to move out of my apartment quickly because the building got sold. My then boss said “hey, we’re moving out of our apartment, you want to take over my lease? My friend is the landlord and he’s really chill. I’ll pick you up Saturday morning to look at it.” I figured I could trust him, so I said why not?

    After I

    That just proves how idiotic and gullible “influencers” are. I see women walking around in $900 Gucci slippers that looked like they didn’t bother to remove sleeping squirrels from their shoes before putting them, choosing instead to crush them to death. Who the hell told them they looked good?

    I tend to agree with the original post that it has to do with her being over 29 and over a size 10. After that size and age, you’re the character in raunchy comedies who’s the butt of all the jokes for chasing guys around wanting to fuck them. Which is funny, of course, because it’s apparently ludicrous for such a

    Jesus that’s a fuck-ton of packaging in that fridge. She can afford a personal chef. Why not have one whip up a batch of gourmet yogurt? And get a goddamn Brita pitcher.

    I’ve always thought he looked like Mr. Potato Head. I never understood the attraction.

    I’m not going to give up. I’m going to keep fighting. But damn if I’m not INCENSED, absolutely INCANDESCENT WITH RAGE at this. Not just with the GOP, and Susan Fucking Collins, and Manchin, and Brett FUCKING Kavanaugh, and 45, and all their billionaire donors, and fucking racist-ass, MAGA-hat-wearing shitstains who

    Lots of us have worked our butts off since we were teenagers, and we didn’t get to live in the Waldorf Astoria for free while we were doing it. Jesus the entitlement of these ding-dongs.

    And then there are the Kardashian-types who actually work at getting paparazzi to follow them (and then act like they’re so annoyed) so it would be hard to know where the line is.

    Yeah, especially when they get REALLY gushy about how great you look. The longer they go on and on, the more you’re like “just how disgusting did you think I was before?”

    I had to read the headline again to see if he was a Republican...no I didn’t.

    I had an AMAZING GP who I dearly loved. Unfortunately she was so amazing that she decided to go work with under-served populations in poor areas. Since then I’ve had to settle for the usual weight lectures and dismissive bullshit.

    Then how is it that I can have absolutely optimal numbers on my physical except my weight, and when I go in for ANY reason I’m lectured about nothing else? And how is it a thin person can get an MRI and PT prescribed for knee, hip and back pain in one office visit and I had to suffer for over a year before my doctor

    Oh yeah, they always think a fatty is lying when he or she says they exercise. I walk easily 3 miles per day, and can walk on an incline on the treadmill or on an elliptical for an hour (or more, if I restart it).

    One time I had a blood draw and the very inexperienced phlebotomist absolutely butchered my arm. One attempt to find a vein had me yelping in pain. By the time I was leaving the office, I had this strange pain building in my shoulder. An hour later I could barely move my arm. By that night I thought I might need to go

    Yep. Years of child abuse and the constant stress associated with wondering what was going to set my mom off...