
Radiohead’s song How to Disappear Completely - “I’m not here; this isn’t happening” When I was in the depths of depression, this song described my feelings exactly and even though I’m much better now, hearing it can bring me back to those feelings as if it is 2005 again & I’m trying to get through college when all I wa

I just had a sweet old lady ask me a couple of weeks ago if maybe it was because I’m a runner? I laughed it off with a self deprecating comment that I wasn’t *that* strenuous of a runner (ha ha I’m a lazy runner!) but was inwardly shaking my head thinking surely she had no idea that she just blamed my miscarriages on

Yes Yes Yes! I truly think people have no idea how awkward a question it is - how am I supposed to answer? “Oh yes, hubby and I have been having lots o’sex for the last 8 years trying to give our girl a sibling!” “Well, we almost had another but my body attacked it and I miscarried. 4 times.” Usually followed by the