Tyson Hardiman

I was wondering the exact thing! "Next on 1000 Ways To Die... ROCKET'S DEAD GLARE"

I'm more impressed with his GI-Joe upper body. Dude looks like he can bench 230!!

Sandy my darling you hurt me real bad

The Jackal approves.

Ohhh.. I see what you did there. Nice!!

Why not, we have zombie BEES already.

These guys drink too much.

I respectfully disagree. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder of course, but I picture these designers giggling like schoolgirls when some sap pays $30 for crap like this just because it's called minimalist.

THANK YOU Squid!! I also am tired of Gizmodo Hipsters trying to tell us how to enjoy technology. Feel free to post all the artsy hubcap pictures you want Sam Biddle... I won't judge you.

Niiiiice. Love that movie!

Yes, yes, and triple YES!!

Ha, I actually enjoyed her narration. She reminds me of GlaDOS from the Portal games. I kept expecting her to offer me some cake.

"how long before it's used to push a jug onto someone's head?"

I read somewhere that Neil Diamond eventually came to terms with people singing, "BUM BUM BUMMMMM!!!" when he performs Sweet Caroline. It irritates him, but he also understands that people enjoy things on their own terms, and he can't force fans to enjoy his song a certain way. Maybe, just maybe.. people want to

Well, Symantec should protect us against email viruses.. right?

Baron Karza approves.

So when something becomes popular and over-used/abused, Designer snobs start to have fits over it? HOW ABOUT SEIZURE-INDUCING ANIMATED GIFS?!? You know, like the ones infesting this site lately. Are they passé yet? ... please?

Maybe it's ok to use it ironically?


Heh heh, yeah.. uranium is naturally part of the environment as well. Whoa, a future product idea is forming!