Tyson Hardiman

As I'm sure everybody is dying to know, I got 2527.6 on my Blackberry Torch 9810. Faster than the iPhone4! ;-)

That actually terrifies me. You would not catch me within 20 miles of that thing. I have a crazy fear of being burned alive. They are totally cray! (we've memed "cray" now btw)

All fun and games until your feet get sheared off. Still, he's Russian and would probably still stop for a smoke before getting into the ambulance. It's like a country full of Chuck Norris's!

Is she writing it on a Macbook whilst nursing a coffee at Starbucks?


"Are you saying that I put an abnormal brain into a seven and a half foot long, fifty-four inch wide GORILLA?"

Wait, was the Predator watching?

Yeah, those were some pretty sick beats yo! ;-)

And it becomes illegal for athletes to use this in 3...2...1...

Sins of the past continue to haunt us..


I respectfully disagree! I think it looks pretty funny in a Robot Chicken kind of way. Search your feelings, you know this to be true!

How about a comment regarding the article? Ok, umm.. "Hey, that way it won't interrupt your porn surfing!"

I went for 9 months without a smartphone and it was actually pretty relaxing. Now I'm back to constantly checking for emails. At least I have the audio and buzzer notifications turned off so I'm not compelled to check it EVERY single time I receive something.

The iPad Mini.. ideal for young girls and "light" blogging days.

I missed that post the first time, but I love it! I got banned for being snarky about Steve Jobs once (right after he died no less!), but I was being a jerk and I deserved it. Commenters can be complete entitled asshats, especially when they're anonymous. Now that I'm using my real name on the internet I have to

I think The Simpsons explained this already...

I think I saw the Curiosity rover in the background...

Nice! Interestingly, you used the word "phone" (or variations thereof) 36 times without once referring to it's CALLING features. You sir... are making me feel OLD.

I think they've already perfected the, "O-face" dolls. What else do they need?