Tyson Hardiman

I had to type quickly since I was on the bus, but I actually agree with you. Having a skull and crossbones, in my mind, is being more open and honest about what they're actually doing.. kind of like the warnings on a box of rat poison. I thought Jesus' point was silly and hypocritical because he's condemning


The original design featured the Nyan cat, but it failed to instill fear in the hearts of their enemies.

I'm guessing it might have a bit of a pressure kick to shoot it's fuel so far.. kind of like a fire hose.

Dueling really does sound awesome! They should totally bring it back, and call it "Zombie Survival". HEADSHOTS ONLY!!!

Is it REALLY improving anything other than the "bottom line"? If they wanted to "improve" ice cream they'd stop using supercomputers and artificial ingredients. Homemade ice cream is HEAVEN compared to most grocery store stuff.

Sweeeet, I've been looking to stock up! .. awwww.. won't ship to Canada. DAMN our strict gun-control laws and super-low levels of gun-related violence!!

Yeah, I'm getting to the age where a nap would be awesome! Unfortunately, like many office workers out there I'm in an open cubicle and people pop by frequently. There is a "quiet room" in our building, but it's used by employees for prayer sessions.

Nailed it!

I can think of a more reliable way to identify a person. Might need to supply alcohol wipes or something tho'. (reference: Gattica movie)

My feelings exactly. I bought a dumbphone when I took parental leave, and it was sooo relaxing. Without the ABILITY to check my messages every 5 seconds, the NEED to do so subsided. Too bad I had to come back to work! ;-)

If only we could invent a device that prevents people from pooping on the seats and floor...

This is one of those things that seems kinda neat for about 20 seconds, then you realize they're charging $30 for $2 worth of ugly replacement lamp parts. Bravo for them if they can sell it!

But.. no more giggling over scans of our "junk" right? WIN!

When will I be able to buy graphene underpants?

Nope, that's the "Man" keeping you down.

It boggles my mind that people had the ingenuity to make stuff like this in the 1700's. (or 1600's in Japan). I thought robots made with clock parts was the stuff of science fiction. Well, you know... "old" science fiction. I guess there are geniuses in any time period, they're just limited to the materials of the

The technology isn't flawed really.. it all comes from how we use it (or abuse it).


The fact that they know it's losing weight should mean that they can correct for that weight loss, right? Maybe they can make a NEW "Le Grand K" at the original weight?