Huh. I guess all those years of research finally paid off...
Huh. I guess all those years of research finally paid off...
Well put! While it angers me to get sucked in with misleading (and frankly, offensive) headlines, you're right.. bitching won't make them stop. Clicks = $$, so only LESS clicks will prompt the "boss" to ask them to improve their writing. I stopped reading anything posted by the other, "you know who", and I'm adding…
What, no Yakov Smirnoff jokes? I R disappoint.
Awww, I guess you had to be nice since You have that big BlackBerry sponsored ad up today?
Hellooooo enima!
Oh great, I'm sure our robot overlords will NEVER scan articles on the INTERNET. Thanks for blowing our last best hope Giz. That John Connor punk better deliver...
It looks like classic Apple design. Can we call it the iRaq? Just don't put too many towels on it.. the iRaq doesn't look stable.
Yep, that was it! Sneaking my Dad's magazines and reading Penthouse forums didn't help either!
Many years ago as a young lad, I used to read my older brother's Heavy Metal magazines. I can't say for sure, but I suspect it may have skewed my early impressions of women!
Hmm.. I guess the house didn't have a basement?
Mental note: AVOID BULLET ANTS!!!
Thank you, I needed to hear someone say that! :-)
Sorry, I've got nuthin'. I just don't think there's any possible way "nailing", "leg raising", and vibrations could possibly be taken out of the intended context.. especially on a higher-class blog like Gizmodo.
I agree that speeding tickets suck. It's supposed to keep people from speeding and make the streets safer, but unfortunately it's also a cash cow.
Yup, just don't want to say it. ;-)
I admit I'd be equally frustrated if my possessions had been stolen and the police didn't, "get right on it". On the flip-side however, how much do you think it would cost to dispatch police every time a gadget is stolen? There is the wage of the officers, travel time, time to take and file reports, and probably a…
All China jokes aside, didn't somebody already promise to do this after Cameron's Titanic movie was released? I honestly doubt it'll happen this time either.