So, reading books on a tablet isn't dumb.. it just requires more self-control?
So, reading books on a tablet isn't dumb.. it just requires more self-control?
Ehhhhh, I really don't want people to know when I'm watching a movie like The Human Centipede. Netflix is great for experimenting with your film tastes, but your Facebook friends and family might just think you're a freak! Why do we feel compelled to share everything online anyway?
Thank you for this thorough review! Honestly I've always wondered how well these things worked because I've never used a bidet. I totally want one now!!
I used to feel the same way, but to be fair this IS a tech BLOG.. which shouldn't be confused with actual journalism. It's more like the Penn & Teller "Bullshit" show. It's informative and factual, but also full of personal opinion. Of course, Penn & Teller are more upfront about it.
Posting this comment via my Playbook, on the bus, tethered to my Berry. 'Nuff said! ;-)
Well, surely a briefcase is more secure than an encrypted memory stick. You know, those ones that, ummm... fit in your pocket, leaving your hands free to deal with ruffians? Hard to believe he fell for such an old trick.
That is pretty damn cool! I was always perplexed at how the little Asian dude could beat the huge tubby guys. It's amazing that you can actually condition your body to do that. There must be money in competitive eating!
Not an expert, but I believe that corn plastic still requires a percentage of petroleum binding agents. It doesn't have the durability of regular plastic either. I have a corn coffee mug and it's definitely not dishwasher safe!!
That's the "e-nag" model that basically makes your life miserable until you take it out of your mouth.
Sigh, the problem I face (and I bet I'm not alone) is that my kitchen cupboards were built around the current fridge. Upgrading would cost a lot more money that JUST buying a new appliance. I wonder if that's part of the reason fridge designs stayed the same for so long?
Cherry 2000
Agreed. The tethering gives me internet access on the bus so I can read Gizmodo on my Playbook. ;-)
I'll hear it... shuddup.
Ha! I guess there might be drawbacks to A.I.
Bravo! I admire your restraint! Although, a real comedian would sacrifice himself for the "bit". ;-)
Well, sure you get a great pixel density, but I think I'd prefer a larger form factor. Do you have anything in a 10-inch?