My dog eats the kids crayons. His poop is always a wild party!
My dog eats the kids crayons. His poop is always a wild party!
Optical magnetic storage? My brain just barf-arf-arf-arf-arf.........................
Awesome! I was thinking of "Jihad Avenging Carryall Kneeling - Assault Support System".
If you search "Rick Santorum", Spreading Santorum is a distant 4th. How disappointing.
Aww.. you beat me to it!! :-)
His response is hardly surprising really. If a camera crew jumps you in the street and asks you to justify your actions for something you did wrong, you're probably not going to have a well thought out explanation. Chances are your brain will go into "fight or flight" mode and you'll become extremely defensive (or…
Overnight seems like a long time to wait for 1 bottle of water. Damn, if only there was some kind of device in my house where I could say, turn a handle and clean water would come out...
Oh puh-leazzeee.. that photo is obviously Photoshopped. I smell a FAKE!
Who answers all the profile questions honestly anyway? You answer them in a way that you think will make you attractive to a potential mate.
It's just a marketing campaign for a new brand of vodka that uses 20 million year-old lake water.
EXACTLY what I was thinking!
Really.. you're, "totally okay with refusing entry to the US based on idiotic Twitter parlance"? If you were playing Modern Warfare 3 online and you jokingly wrote a message on a friends Facebook Wall saying, "I'm totally gonna KILL you tonight dude!!", would you be ok with the police busting down your door and…
Being in my late thirties, I grew up on vinyl. I can think of no reason other than nostalgia to go back. Albums get dusty, and you always have that faint (or not so faint) scratching noise. You want to have LESS quality and features on purpose?
Is it 100% pure beef DNA?
Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.
Usually the time-lapse videos posted here are more entertaining. I'll never get those seconds back.. plus the seconds wasted typing a response that no one will ever read.
This is why a free and open Internet is so important. Citizens of oppressive governments need access to information other than the propaganda shoved down their throats so they can form their own opinions. In Iran this poor guy is probably a pariah, but MAYBE if your average Iranian knew the facts about his case they…