
I found Japanese grammar quite easy to understand, however since I'm self taught and not a student I think that goes a long way towards me not actually remembering any of it!

It's difficult to gauge F1 personalities though - they have to be very, very confident in themselves in order to do what they do - the ego required to say, "Yeah, I'll do that corner at over 100mph" is immense, so my default they have to have very high self regards.

I was so happy to see Schumacher get a poll, but so pissed off that he chose a weekend where he had a bloody penalty!

F1 is about physics, not sound - I'd rather have a silent, perfect recreation of a circuit than a loud flawed copy.

I refuse to believe a Mega Drive game can capture Monaco better than Geoff Crammond!

Rubbish game, Geoff Crammond's F1 has and always will be the best! (I had that on an Amiga 600!)

The drivers are just as nerdy, the great ones - they need to be able to gauge tyres, weather, fuel mix, conditions, distance - all at high speeds.

I know, it seems insane that all they need is that tiny, tiny gain on the person behind - but having to do it consistently for 79 laps, at insane G's in some of the fastest cars in the world is amazing.

Now playing

in fact, this is more helpful than me trying to remember!

You have pit limiters, rev controls, engine/fuel mixes, communication buttons - literally anything you could need to do to the car they can do on the wheel...at 200mph

A "nerdier " side to F1?

I remember so little of it it's laughable quite frankly - still the odd bit of recognition comes through occasionally.

I'm not sure a game for Hiragana is all that useful - I learnt it by just writing down a set each day for two weeks - katakana took the same amount of time.

It's more the habenero and other "hot" things he tries - I've not seen him attempt the ghost pepper, (I only watch it if it happens to be on), it's just every time I've seen him do hot curries or chicken it's been fairly tame, by "hot" chillie standards.

That's another thing that doc goes into, (I think it was a BBC one) it's not a "man" thing, but purely down to genetics - some people have a more dramatic reaction to the poison than others in the same way people have more of a reaction to bee and wasp stings than others.

BBC 6Music, why would you listen to anything else?

Seems to be working now - happens quite often with blog view.

I'm not taking it as a source I pride, I merely question what the hell the guy is doing it for - clearly spicy food is not his friend!

Yes, yes I have - it's pretty much the same SHU as Dorset Naga, (See other post), of which I keep a bottle of sauce in my flat at all times.

That was it! I couldn't remember if I;d actually seen one of the self drive cars in the show or if I was that blazed I'd imagined it, (I find copious amounts of pot is required for most American soaps).