
I come from the South of England, a few miles down the road is the county of Dorset, where we grow something called the Dorest Naga ([www.dorsetnaga.com]) it goes up to 1,000,000 SHU, it's a lovely pepper and used a lot in the area, (contrary to popular belief British people love spicy food and have a very rich

Fringe and Dollhouse were meant to take that route though, more product placement and fewer actual breaks.

I honestly shouted what the fuck at my TV during the episode wherein the entire catalyst for the story was the fact that Hodgins' car could detect the line in the road, (thus landing them in jail), the irony being that since I'm British I haven't got the first clue what most of the vehicles are on American TV.

Man v Food has been on here for ages, or are we getting out own version?


So, scientific proof that men are attracted to easier targets. Or, scientific proof that men are hard-wired to be dicks. You decide!


Are there still people that actually see TV commercials, (other than the shows themselves, I'm looking at you Fringe/Bones).

Damn - was hoping for Kerosene by Bad Religion

I'm calling alcohol abuse alcoholism, psychological dependence can be just as bad as chemical one can abuse alcohol by going out each Friday and getting hammered, one has a problem if it's every day.

I'm at work, cba with gifs!

I do, but I don't assume everyone has the same need that I do for things - I spend hundreds on Neo Geo kit, but if all you wanna do is play the games, emulate them.

I get that, I have NeoGeo hardware for the same reason, that's a valid reason to continue collecting the stuff.

"Tyrunn @kaeroku

If you're only buying used you're best off just pirating them, it's the same thing.

In fairness, there was a chance MW3 might not have come out down there - it could have been the coup of the year!

1. "Could someone point to the line in the first amendment where it states that you have the right to say what you want without being known?

I'd recommend this...

Ever met a guy on coke?

I have indeed - it passes the time when you don't have access to the Internet for, y'know, guy stuff - there's nothing gay about it at all, it's just guy stuff.