All republicans are racists and sexists, period.
All republicans are racists and sexists, period.
the Brocktoon skit was really ahead of its time, I think. Public familiarity with the creepy ways of fandom was pretty nascent at that point. It’s no surprise the audience was a little confused.
As a youngster who repeatedly watched Robocop 1 and 2, I was always irritated they didn’t just reuse the score from the first one. It’s just so much better.
More movies should chorally chant their titles
But my VHS is long gone, and that’s Robocop 2’s native format
Wait, I watched Robocop 2 a half a billion times on VHS and immediately rewound it too. What’s going on in the soundtrack?
A fiction paved the way for by myriad pop culturals racing past all the thousands of other hardworking contributors to their favorite movies and programs to worship at the altar of show runners and directors
Brock Toon!!!
If you want substance, it’s out there, but don’t go to Chucky Cheese and complain about the pizza.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to Star that twice.
Fuck you
That tiny UFO he built was totes adorbs
Best way to do a Halloween movie? Pop the original in your DVD player.
Agreed. It must suck, though, for him to look at the comments; hopefully he just never does.
But it’s ignoring previous sequels and giving Jamie Lee Curtis “closure”!—exactly like it did before. But this time it’s different because, um, Marketing says so! Marketing!
Yeah, namely 3D or Robert Del Naja. There’s a pretty decent argument to be made for it, or at least that Banksy and Del Naja know each other and have worked together.
I’ve always figured it was for the wrestling fans, the folks who primarily bought a ticket for Rowdy Roddy.
Seriously. Especially taking into consideration that Hughes married very young, denying him lots of the romantic travails he would then grow up to write about so, um, persistently.
Doesn’t a gong sound every time his name is said? Or is it only when he’s first introduced. I haven’t had TBS for a long time. Either way, [that’s racist gif].
Do you get paid to be so incessantly fucking lame, all day, all over these websites, or is it something you do gratis?