
Most people don’t give a shit about the Cardinals

Cause that doesn’t happen anywhere else in baseball...

SO over this joke.

This is now boring and trite.

Like... I’m a Mets fan. And I hate the Cardinals and the best fans in baseball. But this is so corny and annoying.

You’re really gonna do this all season? Really?

Man, the Cardinals sure are an average professional baseball team.

Well apparently people can’t dislike Radiohead without being dipshits about it either.

Sure, it was a dirty play.....but it was totally legal under the rules. The only difference in Utley’s play is that he actually made contact; the MLBPA presentation ‘supposedly’ contained two dozen very similar slides where no injury happened and no punishment was given. That’s a pretty compelling case.

If they can’t hold the line on the most high profile example of why their new rule was necessary, can they ever enforce it?

I’m not going to argue whether it was a dirty vs. a clean slide, but it was a legal slide. Of course Utley won the appeal; are you seriously asking the MLB to retroactively enforce a new rule when his slide was still under the old rules?

“But it’s about the precedent, not the actual crime here.”

“If they can’t hold the line on the most high profile example of why their new rule was necessary, can they ever enforce it?”

Utley was on the receiving end of such slides throughout his career. It would be absurd to punish him for a slide that was ruled legal.

Can we just get rid of longform as a program? Very few topics deserve or need 10,000 words. Longform should only occur when absolutely necessary and not written just because.

Greg, I think you’re a really good writer, but you definitely missed an opportunity to include a quote from Jordan Sargent on this.

Jordan Sargent still “writes” for Gawker.

Barry Petchesky: “The writer driven idea that length is tantamount to quality”

I just think a bunch of fucking college administrators are the last people on earth who are qualified to properly carry out an investigation into a criminal act. So many competing priorities and political angles - bad for victims, bad for due process.

If this game doesn’t convince people that the NFL overtime rules are stupid, I don’t know what will. Who in their right mind (besides Cardinals fans) wanted the game to end before getting to see Aaron Rodgers with the season on the line in a road playoff game in overtime?