
If you're in an area where a 4x4 is a good investment, it's worth it. Me being in Souther California makes that pretty negligible. I wasn't sure about the Scion because it was older and there was a 2010 Kia Soul (before they changed the design) I was interested in a couple hours away, but the second I got in the Scion

Bought a car, went on a date using said car since he lives out of town, and learned my grandfather got in a wreck and broke his neck while I was on said date. My grandfather will hopefully be okay and should recover. It somehow didn't affect his spine so he can still walk, he just has to wear a neck cast for 3 months.

This is why you should only drink gluten free beer.

Especially as the power ups in Sense8 are all just those friends lending you the knowledge they have. I will never get over this show.

I want Jenner and Garrison to arrive in DC by running over some hated politician and treated like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz.

I always wondered where your avatar came from. Cool to finally know.

I can't wait for the finale tonight.

I just binged Season 18 and 19 over the weekend after not having watched the show in years because of everyone's praise for Season 19. I saw people mention 18 also had a sort of continuity and thought I'd start there to see the differences. Man, those reviews were not in tune with the show at all. While I think 19's

I'm not sure that this is the success Fox wanted. I'm hoping this is not the success Fox shrugs and renews. I watched this series because a friend said they wanted me to watch with them, but then they forgot so I ended up watching this series for almost no purpose other than Denise Hemphill and the hope of more Serial

Now that we've all seen the full series, what new genre of television would you say Ryan Murphy actually created?

I didn't even know Susanne Sundfør had a new album out…

It's my favorite Bjork release since Vespertine. I haven't listened to it too much this year, but when I do I get lost in it. It's a really great record.

I still haven't listened to the new Sarah Blasko album, but I'll always love What the Sea Wants, the Sea Will Have. As Day Follows night has some of my favorite songs by her, but I Awake was the perfect album for a really hard time in my life so it's also right up there for me.

I have to give a shout out to Brown Bird's final album, Axis Mundi.

I think the music is so immediately beautiful that it washes over you in a way none of her work has in the past. I'm a hardcore fan and even I haven't done the deep dive into the lyrics for every song that I usually would with Joanna. Plus it coming out at the end of the year doesn't help. I think once people live

Thanks for reminding me to check that out. I love both artists on their own, but completely forgot about that collab.

I've never heard of Have You in My Wilderness but putting it next to Divers means I will be checking it out ASAP.

Plus he's a pretty great writer in general. Almost all of his newswires make me laugh and the Marvel Movie Marathon writeup was one of the best things I've read here this year.

I kind of hate myself for how much I wore out Sapokanikan listening to the recording from 2012. It's one of Divers most engaging moments and while it still hits me hard, it doesn't take my breath away the way it did when I first heard it three years ago. Then again, her vocals in the 2012 performance are incomparable.

Damnit, Zach Schonfeld! You were the only one to have Joanna Newsom's Divers as a Top 10 album and you didn't write anything about it or Time, As A Symptom, which is definitely the best song released this year. I listened to it on repeat before surgery and it was one of the things I held onto. She's one of those