
"All the babies have a disease that will kill them by the time they're 5. Is it worth protecting a new life that's going to end before it truly begins?"

Haha, that's fair. I get super paranoid about following recipes exactly. It's the opposite of how my mom works. We clash so much if we're cooking together. I once made her cry when I told her that her spaghetti was delicious, but didn't taste like spaghetti. We have a weird relationship…

I just found out there's a showing in the town over from me. It's a 45 minute drive, but it'll be worth it. I don't think I can make tonights showing, but they're rebroadcasting it on December 15 so I'm going to try to lure people into going with me. I enjoyed the original Rifftrax version, but was sad they cut so

I might have a date this weekend. It's with a guy I wouldn't have bothered talking to myself because I found his profile blunt and a bit rude, but he kept pestering me and now I'm going to give it a try. He's really attractive, but I'm not sure how we'll click personality wise. The plus side is he lives in town and

I really haven't listened to many albums this year. I'm usually all over new music, but because my old laptop died I lost a lot of music and am running out of iTunes account connections, so I'm waiting until I get more than a replacement laptop to synch up. That means I was left with mostly old favorites:

I saw the recipe you posted on TIF. There's one part where it mentions 3 different meats. Do you use all of them or pick which one you want? I'm thinking of trying it.

Desk jobs ruin everything.

Somehow not go crazy at work. That is my goal.

Southern California for me, so….hahahaha what is snow even?

Me and another friend are forcing my roommate to watch edited versions of Kingdom Hearts so that it plays out like some bizarre movie. We've done KH, Chain of Memories, 358/2 Days (which I'd never played) and now we're onto KHII. The series is so structurally overwhelming with it's random plots that don't quite add up

At some point I plan on finishing Undertale. I've been so bad at keeping up with video games lately.

I found the right combination of drugs to make me sleep and still wake up feeling somewhat rested.

Honestly, if she's the "one character" Murphy said would survive this season and go on to Season 2, I'd be just fine with that. I'd probably enjoy the show about a bunch of people trying hopelessly to kill someone we know can't be killed than this current incarnation.

Do you feel happier?

I think Seasons 5 and 6 work pretty well when binge watching. Plus all the buildup results in "Friday Night's Alright for Fighting," which has one of my favorite bits in the series.

I wholeheartedly enjoy Merida and her random appearances. Every time she's on screen I laugh. She's the new "spot Will not doing anything relevant".

maybe two Western animated series aimed at people above the age of 5 that I don't watch.

Have you seen Girls Und Panzer? My friend and I watched that late at night a while back. The end of the first episode was so wonderfully out there. Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi can be fun at times and is pretty emotional. I don't know where you'd find that online. Really, I haven't seen too much anime as it's

Probably going to watch Mark Watches Sense8 as an excuse to rewatch that show and then finally start Jane the Virgin so people will stop yelling at me.

Saving up so I can buy a new car that won't die on me if I travel outside my town…or in it.