
Some of my old stuff:

I think I'm going to start writing again. I have this problem where I have these stories and I love them so much that I don't want to touch them for fear that I'm not good enough yet. So I'll come up with another "for practice" and then it ends up becoming my new favorite story I don't want to touch. And almost all of

I'm like a Dipper/Mabel combo. The paranoia, obsession, and hyper self-awareness (http://vignette1.wikia.noco… with weird flights of fancy. Yes, I think I'm cute and dorky, but also that's the Mabel side talking.

I've lost a little over 40 pounds since my gastric sleeve 4 weeks ago. Before depression from a shitastic relationship, I weighed about 290. I gained A LOT of weight after that, some I lost because of it and kept it on for 3 years. I first lost a chunk of it from high blood sugar. The rest has come off from surgery

Congrats! That's such a great accomplishment and I'm glad you've chosen to share it with all of us. Stories like this help in a lot of aspects in life where patience and will are necessary.

I'm gay and too afraid to hit on random guys. Welcome.

Needs more Patti Deutsch.

I haven't watched Daredevil and Claire made perfect sense to me. A lot of this show spent time expanding on characters you would expect for a scene or two at most. I know a lot of people didn't like Simpson, but I loved that Jessica saved him and that the show treated him as an actual person who would want to deal

I might be switching to this account now since it was open on Disqus. It fits in better here.

All we need is a quip from Nolan about it and we'll have a trope namer.

All we need is a quip from Nolan about it and we'll have a trope namer.

I can imagine a couple of old men trying to recapture their glory days when they knew what was hip by making a hotel out of that trendy new frozen yogurt.

I can imagine a couple of old men trying to recapture their glory days when they knew what was hip by making a hotel out of that trendy new frozen yogurt.

I always thought the world would in end in 2059.

I always thought the world would in end in 2059.

Heidi used disco to describe her dress and for "the first time in Project Runway history" it actually made sense. Kors goes shopping for red sharpies. It's only a matter of time before he gets his REVENGE!!!!!

Heidi used disco to describe her dress and for "the first time in Project Runway history" it actually made sense. Kors goes shopping for red sharpies. It's only a matter of time before he gets his REVENGE!!!!!

"Where were those elves last night?"

"Where were those elves last night?"

"We're laughing, because make-up is fun."