The Husky Bro

So does this mean that Mucinex: The Movie is a go?

"Yes we are sexier and you can't resist us, American"—President of Uruguay

If she chose to send it to a thousand or one, it was a pretty jacked up thing to do, period.

Mathers is very very lucky the lady she shamed was too embarrassed (and a much better human than her) to testify because she would be doing some jail time.

Bellamy should have suffered the same fate as Pike. I like Bellamy but, nah, you killed 300 Grounders, man, you gots to pay for that in some way.

The look on Murphy's face when Monty said that about the poison was about as close as I think we'll ever get to seeing that dude totally crushed

Well she proved that some assholes have mastered the art of doing both things.

"It’s tempting to feel a bit sorry for Mathers.."

ARGUS needs to be called in to answer why the hell they didn't know that island was being turned into the Arrowverse version of Krakoa, The Island That Walks Like a Man (ooh that would be a cool plot twist, Lian Yu gets fed up for being a playground for assholes and retaliates…like a Swamp Thing, dang! Make this

Alex Dunphy is the middle daughter in one of the families on the show, Modern Family.

I got 5 on it!

or it could be a great way to introduce someone like Jason Todd into the mix

It wasn't surprising to me. Echo had basically been living a hunter/gatherer existence her whole life, then Skaikru comes along with their modern tech and changes the game with their fuckery, then she gets kicked from her clan for doing what she felt was best for them and then she has to deal with the ramifications of

it was as if Malcolm was sitting on that "You're not her type anyway" for years LOL

…if that's the case, Diggle will have to hear it from Lyla how if it wasn't for ARGUS being dastardly assholes, they wouldn't have built a mini super max where they all survived a island wide explosion (damn, did Chase's dad have THAT much money?)

and if that twin winds up being Vigilante, I'm out

I was just about to say that John Constantine shows up at the last minute and whips up a cool ass transportation spell that gets everyone off the island…except William's mom.

Another loose end, who in the hell is Vigilante?

I'm thinking that Bellamy and the gang found that prison ship and it took them years to fix it and get back down.

"Nevertheless, she persisted" Goddamn Clarke is a cockroach, man.