The Husky Bro

Prove it.

Hell yes Barry Allen is the villain, I should know, I did Flashpoint before it was cool—John Connor

*as I fall off to sleep*

Next season on The Flash: Barry walk in on Tracy and Harry making out

So…are there ANY of those villains that Barry caught locked up in the STAR Labs basement or were they all shipped out to ARGUS or Iron Heights?

Not yet, kid

Or why didn't someone lock Barry in his Time Chamber once they found out that Savitar shared his memories?

and he'll high five himself for being both Luke and Leia


Best scene of this lame ass episode was Gypsy and Cisco fighting in front of everyone.

If she re watches this past season, she'll get over it.

You're right, HR death scene was done very well but fuck Team Flash. They treated him like Alex Dunphy his entire time on Earth Bum and he still felt those fucks were worthy of his sacrifice? Sorry HR, they weren't. I Wonder If Heaven Has A CC Jitters

in the words of Scott Evil, "just shoot 'em"

Yaketty Sax AND Snuffy Smith? Nice dig through the crates, there, King.

Daddy Lance: J'onn, we need to talk

Okay, bad example but what I am saying that it's pretty easy to take out a Daxamite and wouldn't need much lead to do it.

I'm thinking that it doesn't take much lead to fuck up a Daxamite (in the comics I think Mon-El could be taken out with a #2 pencil) so I'll give them a pass on the "acceptable levels for humans, thing.

…so, other than that.

Are they? Not as hard as they could be, especially Hayes and I was done with Maddow after that Capone Vault stunt with the tax returns. O'Donnell does his best I suppose.

So is Mon-El off to be the Seeder Of Worlds that will, eventually lead to the Legion Of Super Heroes or was that vortex thing actually taking him to the future and we'll see him with the Legion next season?