The Husky Bro

Calling Donald Trump out on his bullshit? Well, obviously, the writer of this article isn't watching MSNBC.

you're more on the point than you realize lol

not a lot of brothers getting movies, either.


She's black.

How would we know, she was in so few of them

they did but it was on the down low about as much as being gay

I knew I was fucking up when I used an example. I'm a dumb ass.

That's a horrible thought, David lol

there was another black guy towards the end of the clip

Yeah, the alternate ending is some fantasy BS. The only way the cops could properly cover up what was going on in that town was to shoot the crap out of Chris

A lot more black dudes in this re-vamp and you can tell this isn't set in the 80s because one of the brothers is going down on a woman!

is that good?

Their milkshakes would bring this boy to their yards, that's for certain

Wait until she sees Black Siren…bet they won't be sharing milkshakes

Tobias Whale who has an albino look

If Sense8 can do it, the Arrowverse can.

"You're out of line Evil Lincoln!"

Wherehouse #312 Phoenix AZ represent.

Ah, I see that my fellow A.V. Club pulled the race card before I could. Well played my friends, well played. This is indeed a "Milestone"