The Husky Bro

Static had nothing to do with either Storm or Black Lightning.

Sidebar: Throwing a surprise birthday party for a dude who's killed more men than Dick Cheney, wasn't a very good idea. Curtis could have died very painfully.

Hey Slade can you help me this episode?

Oh my Nyssa is back! You know what that means….her and Daddy Lance's cop buddy show, Chief/Assassin is a go!

lol I thought so, too. Chase is such a mofo…I love it

I had the great fortune to work at a Wherehouse (Where? The Wherehouse!) Records store in the early to mid 90s and became a lover of the Grunge, especially the Singles soundtrack that was played to death in store. I can listen to Seasons and be instantly transported back to 1992. RIP Chris Cornell

Don't you slam that door again! It's made of Corinthian Leather! I bought that at a yard sale over at Markie Post's house!

who's to say that Monte and Harper break up and he winds up with Raven and Clarke with Harper

That's fair.

I thought Bellamy had some feels for Echo

Clarke is such a slut that James Bond would bow down to her

It's a terrible, fucked up way to go about it but Jaha has a son, again. RIP Wells, you died so needlessy and stupidly, too.

Mother Earth is a victim, she had a bad case of Humans that jacked her up 98 years ago

Having Trump on his show was ridiculous

Yes daughter…now go to your room and watch every episode of Homeboys From Outer Space until you've learned the error of your ways

Calling what Fallon does "comedy" is not funny

God knows I'm not a Fallon fan and thought he came off really stupid after the Trump "interview" but you're an idiot if you feel that segment was the deciding factor in Trump getting elected. Jimmy was a jackass but so what SNL for having Trump host but Lorne Michaels never gets roasted for that (when he really should

Steve Higgins is second base

I could have used you for back up, sir.

he also knew at what temperature a shark would get groggy and fall asleep, that's kinda nerdy.