The Husky Bro

but you get hounded until you get busted on a bullshit charge and then get 3 times the maximum for the crime


I was really, truly happy about the Trivial Pursuit scene…then the cops showed up.

That's fair.

We're still talking about Spade, right?

It was a REALLY good burn on Spade.


A black guy who has his own podcast? Wait until Neil Brennan hears about this.

It's so crazy that it just might work!

Or Legion!

and to tell Lena "I told you so" a lot

they weren't really a couple long enough to have anything.

Oh stop that.

ooh did the Bionic Dog make an appearance?

Smash the damn device that's causing your friend pain. It ain't rocket science and we all know that Mon-El isn't a rocket scientist.

We all got moms! SAFE AUTO!

Hank should be on Superman's level but they keep him down. They don't even bother to use the old fire weakness. At least that made some kind of sense.

Why? Mick is still basically Mick, except he isn't a bad guy anymore.

maybe this is where they work in the comic Guardian's color scheme

Lena has been up in both Supergirl and Kara's faces and Kara's boyfriend just happens to be super strong and the alien she befriended mom and she still can't figure it out? She must have facial blindness…hearing issues and is just plain dumb.