The Husky Bro

For someone who claims he knows what it's like to be black on Earth, Hank sure went hard in the paint on James. Hell, the only thing missing was his eating a slice of pound cake while he did it.

His character became a "bust" when the writers decided that he wasn't worthy of being Kara's BF. So they bring in some himbo and have been trying to make that dumb ish fetch, ever since. Kinda like what Comedy Central is doing with Larry Wilmore and Jordan Klepper.

The white lady is right! Ironically.

I was wondering, sure Daxamites will be stronger than the average bear on Earth but hasn't it been established that they're more party people than warriors or was that just Mon-El? I guess we'll find out.

He's more like the Mercedes From Glee of the show. We never ever saw any of her family and all her romantic relationships wound up trashed on a regular basis, too.

"Hey, I wish we had agents like the ones at the DEO"—CTU Security spokesperson

which means she really wants one.

Martha is my favorite companion. She was woefully underrated and appreciated and she still doesn't get the respect she truly deserved.

she said what about black men?

That's fair.

Bill is everything that Martha should have been.

I was thinking that Donna's in that vault but that's such a dumb thought.

I really love Quinn, mostly for the fact that this show could have just been about her instead of the kids and probably been just as good if not better.

Yeah, but I laughed when he asked for a cuddle

Villasenor is officially on my team of Mistreated along with HR from The Flash, Alex Dunphy from Modern Family and Ragman from Arrow. She gets to be the leader because she's done so little on SNL that she doesn't have a character.

That's our Perk!

All that damn singing, who does Chris Pine think he is, Jimmy Fallon?

Hasn't he portrayed Sulu in other Trek sketches over the years as well? "My God, Sulu, you've gotten fat! Turn around"—Khan

"As a kid of the early 2000s pre YouTube era, this was internet gold to me."

Let's be Spotify buds