The Husky Bro

I always thought that Tripp and Hunter were pretty similar (other than Tripp being a little darker and less douchey) I thought a choice was made and it was the wrong one.

Fat joke. Clever.

Bobbi friend zone'd Mack years ago over that dummy Hunter, he had no choice.

I've never seen you at all around here so, stop being a lurker, Jake.

Sigh. Not really but okay white people, pat yourselves on the back for having one among you who fell in love with a black woman because, oh my God, that's so radical.


Hunter was a trash ass dude. No way should Bobbi given that creep the time of day, especially when she and Mack had so much better chemistry.

…that's fair.

Dude, I know. That's the point, they're so bland that you could swap them out and never notice the difference…except for the cyborg stuff on Deathlok but then everyone would assume that Winn upgraded him to Guardian 2.0

This is true.

I didn't decree anything.

Once AoS stopped trying to make us all believe that they were a vital part of the Marvel Cinematic and boasted about crossover that turned out lame as hell (other than Sif showing up, even that was kinda meh) that was the start of the turn around for this series.

You don't understand the hatred? I dare you to go back and re-watch Season 1 and compare that to what we're watching now.

Iron Fist sucked but it didn't suck as much as Season 1 AoS and don't get me started on "fish pills"

Well God Bless You and Black Wife. I'm just a black man in America.

I would have been content with "wife".

Stop saying "woke"

I hope we never see Hunter again. Oh, where's Deathlok? Oh, right he became James Olson Season 2 Supergirl. Bleh.

Supergirl would be fine if she would realize what a himbo Mon-El is and had the writers not turned James Olson into such a bore