The Husky Bro

So ironic that they bring Tripp back and not the suck ass loser who basically replaced him, Lance Hunter. Would have been nice to see Bobbi Morse once again but Hunter was a part of the deal to see her, I'd rather we not.


You got a black wife? Well, racism is over.

I think about y'all all the time.

I thought it was ironic that she even went near water after what she experienced.

Thankfully, no. Now, go fuck yourself.

"…it’s clear that Nye and Tyler have some entertaining—chemistry—together…"

Nor was I trying to "start arguments" So chill out…Yum.

Thankfully, John Ridley isn't the Vanguard of the Black Community.

Mixed race would be a proper term, if this was 1942.

you mean interracial, right?

What more did she have to say to Jeanette? There's nothing more to discuss, this is how it is, Jeanette. It's their world and we're all slaves to the system.

she got stabbed in the neck with a nail file…we weren't exactly starting out on a Mensa level, here.

when she blamed him for her not getting pregnant, that was a a diss of his manhood.

I thought that was exactly what Claire was implying when she mentally karate chopped his manhood.

I wasn't shocked they pulled the nail file out, I think it's impulse to do that because you think that will make the hurt go away.

Pinto was cast as a black woman? Really?

"But I am also unsettled, as I find Gabrielle moving to live in the US, with no ties here, and no command of English, a really dubious thing to do."

1. I'm Team Kimara. If things go to hell, the black woman is going to get hit the hardest. I don't give a damn about Abby's good intentions. Don't do it, Kimara, don't lie for her and then be caught up in her fuckery. No.

This sounds awful.