
Bout time there's a main character that's black.

In California if you're not begging or on welfare you're suing someone.

Enough with this article already!

I run almost everyday, and thankfully I rarely get side stitches. When I do though I give it up and start walking. Guess I'm just a big wussy.

Is there any difference between uk.kotaku.com and ca.kotaku.com? Both versions still have the old layout.

@Biokinetica: Yeah I wish they'd fix that. I can't look at the US version without fighting back puke.

Sooo instead of fixing the levees to keep the water out they built a pump to move the water after the levees fail? Makes more sense to get the levees right, but a pump is better than nothing.

Bin Laden, Elvis, and 2 Pac are chillin in Atlantis right now.

Using your logic you should never ever eva use a credit card. ANYTIME you use your CC to pay for something you run the slight risk of your CC information being stolen. You can't blame yourself for when a waitress steals your card number unless you suspect she might steal it and hand it over anyway.

@Slagathorian: Save the trees and kill the children.: *punches you in the face* You see it's your fault you got punched in the face. If you don't want to get punched in the face you should be wearing a face protecting mask. *kicks you in the balls* Again, your fault for not telling me not to do that.

@Bluestar2k9: I made a thread over at gametrailers.com saying basically the same thing you said, and everyone called me stupid. Just so you know, the Internet is against us.

@snazzy_andrew: I'm with you. I was excited before I realized it's just Dead Rising plus water.

Fallout, Oblivion, and Morrowind are the same game with new textures... Which is fine because I loved all 3 games, but now I'm tired of the gamebryo engine and can't wait to play Skyrm.

I didn't get it at launch I got it 2-3 years ago. I wanted to play some RE titles which ended up being disappointing. I played a few other games and decided my Wii, although it is tiny, was a big waste of space. It sat around for about a year before I finally sold it.

Fallout was fun, but I'm done with the series until they move to a new engine. I'm tired of playing Morrowind with guns.

Is the Wii Nintendo's Greatest Console to Date? Hell no! If it was I wouldn't have sold mine a year later after only playing it a handful of times. It thrived off of a cheep gimmick that wasn't implemented very well and gamecube technology. They diluted the market with cheep gimmicky controller add-ons and

@Spidery_Yoda: I agree with you, but I do think graphics are apart of it. Well, I should say art style. A lot of people think Japanese animation is way to cheesy and the Japanese video games are not far enough away from the animation.

@Voltswagon: Nothing, they just wanted to put the historically significant event on the front page.

@Tye-The-Czar: ...what? I don't understand any of that.

@L3gato: run and tell that homeboy!