tyrion's bedwarmer

I really wanted to buy a certain lipstick from this company, but after a little investigating, I realized Lime Crime is sketchy as hell and decided against buying anything from them.

Good Tip. I'll go tell my .... friends about this. That's it. My friends who may know about this site.

"Usually when you here "sex" and "Trojan" in the same sentence, it means someone's being safe."

It's normal based on what evidence? Research? Just because she experienced it doesn't make it normal. If you can show me where it says in a academic piece that GSA is normal or even common, I'll eat my words. But this *****thank god***** isn't a majority sentiment in any way.

"genetic sexual attraction is normal" —- please don't say stuff like this. You follow this up a sentence or two later saying that you were an abuse victim. This is NOT normal, do NOT attempt to normalize your experience. This may be COMMON, but DON'T say it's normal. It is not ok.

The fuck was that? How are you out of the greys with 100 fucking likes.

Seriously. Erykah Badu is an icon known first and foremost for her music. Azalea Banks is some little shit who is most famous for feuding with Iggy Azalea. It's cute that she thinks Erykah Badu is jealous of her.

Banks needs to shut her mouth. Badu even was gonna take the heat on it by saying she didn't get it due to age. That's not shade. Saying something isn't your scene doesn't mean you're trashing it.

I imagine Bruce telling each daughter a different story, a la Tyrion Lannister, and seeing which version makes it out into the gossip ether first.

Exactly. I love that photo. I hope I look that great after 2 kids and being a 90s supermodel with all the drugs and partying around. Bless you Cindy! I wish I had your genes!

Yup, that's what bodies do after you've had two babies and lived for 40+ years. The fucked-up part is that airbrushing is so routine that we don' t know what mature women are supposed to look like.

Missy and Timba were on some truly next level shit (Or the game hasn't progressed that much) given all these songs are still absolute killers over a decade later.

I haven't seen these videos in forever, and I'm really struck with how fucking awesome and progressive Missy Elliot is/was. I mean, "Work It" is a pretty sexy song, and it's sung by a woman who is not only outside the cultural beauty standard, but equal parts masculine and feminine. I can't name another artist who

Cindarelly cindarelly where the helly is your belly?

For us it went like this:

My grandparents got married two weeks after meeting. They celebrate their 63rd wedding anniversary in April.

My aunt and my uncle married within 6 months of meeting. They're still together 35 years later.

I dated my husband for a month before we moved in together. We've been together twelve years now, this summer is our 5-year wedding anniversary, and we have the cutest damn five month old baby you've ever seen.

10 days, seven years, who knows? Life, with its myriad of unpredictable variables, turns. This stuff is hard to guesstimate in advance.