i actually love vera and tiassa equally, but i figured we were sticking to spring chickens. they are both breathtaking...neither is "less than" in my book.
i actually love vera and tiassa equally, but i figured we were sticking to spring chickens. they are both breathtaking...neither is "less than" in my book.
sorry, but i'm about to. what is with this woman? i just can't. i find nothing appealing about her at all. you guys can have her...i'll keep taissa farmiga.
well, it sounds as though they had discussed these possible scenarios in length. the daughter still decided to take that chance. i'm not sure what's irresponsible about that. at some point you have to let your children live with and try to correct their mistakes. as i stated, the mother just had a child herself. two…
That sounds like the "Facebook mom". There's a way to be stern and tough yet not showy about it. I dunno, she didn't seem showy but you never know.
Do you have a daughter? Because I do, and trust me, these 'what if' conversations about sex (and drugs) NEED to happen! Every possible scenario needs to be discussed.
As a mother of a ten year old daughter, yes. I agree wholeheartedly. Education key. And so is follow-through!
you can support your child without financially supporting their every move. it's quite possible. i'm rather disturbed by the fact that most people seem to be vilifying this mother. she seems to be one of the most realistic, mentally-healthy one i've ever seen on this show, and that's just a 2 minute clip. but hey,…
gotta disagree here. parents saving their children from every situation is such an egregious mistake of our society. at some point you have to give tough love. it is still entirely possible for this mom to love and support her daughter while not allowing her to live at their home anymore. plus, who knows the home…
i may catch hell for this, but this girl's mom is awesome. a parent that warned her child about the consequences and repercussions, and then chooses to stand by those words when it all goes down. some may find it harsh, but the reality of the situation is that this is what kids need to see. so many of the girls on…
i don't particularly care for zoe or patrick, and i'm most likely never going to watch this. the original was soooooooooo, so so so good. i don't understand the hollywood urge to remake everything. i know, it's been said before, and i'm saying it again.
for the love of god can claudia lee hire a new stylist? she's a cute girl but hot damn she shows up at everything looking with she went to sears for her outfit and then hopped on over to fantastic sam's for a hairstyle. girrrrrrl, ramp it up a notch.
yes. yes you are.
totally off subject, but the picture associated with this story reminded me that i'm getting a tattoo half-sleeve of The Count and The Swedish Chef on the 29th, and i am SO FUCKING EXCITED about it. i researched for months to find the perfect artist. i feel as though i'm counting down to christmas.
nice! allow me to be the first one to welcome you to my neck of the woods (nashville)
Awesome! What area?
me toooooo! might just have to roast some this weekend in the chiminea!
awwww. thanks <3
i LOVE this. i'm heavily tattooed AND a soccer mom. living in the socially conservative land of middle tennessee, i am already bracing myself for the looks that i'll be sure to get from the other parents on the sidelines this spring, but luckily my daughter and her friends' Christian, conservative parents know my…
that's it. i've seen the best .gif there is to see. i'm done.
ugh, i didn't enjoy book 5 at ALL :-/