
I liked the original unforgiven, but I'd never heard of this before. The reviews are good, I'll have to try and check it out. There's a long history of Italian/American Western <-> Japanese Samurai remakes, going back at least as far as The Seven Samurai -> The Magnificent Seven. There are also some weirder Japanese

No, sadly the studio is refusing to incorporate my giantess erotica characters into the script! I've sent them dozens of letters, not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Both are valid.

"Whoa, I'm just gonna say it, this pope fucks! Am I right? Because I'm looking at the rest of you guys, this is the guy in the Vatican doing all the fucking. Am I right? You know I'm right. This pope fucks!"

There have been at least two incidents since Trump's inauguration where white, Christian, right-wing men murdered multiple people because they were Muslims or Middle Easterners. Those type of attacks are relatively rare, but they're not unheard of. Hate crimes vary widely in severity, and the vast majority are

The president can send out Amber-Alert style phone notifications any time, to the entire country, at will. Be careful what you wish for. At least Twitter posts don't give you blaring red notifications that you can't turn off.

I don't see how masochism is going to make anything better.

This one's pretty much spoiler-free. And there were totally jokes! I came, I saw, I chortled.

I usually just call them far-right. It's a broad label that describes everyone from Trump and Limbaugh to Mussolini and Hitler, and it has a long history. Alt-right smacks of a cynical "cool" re-branding attempt, like Buddy Christ for the KKK set.

Good point. Maybe more of a sideways move than anything, really.

Hey, there were a solid ten seconds of actual video in that video!

He got a promotion!

Pretty sure he does. And an unsecured Android phone.

I'm not disputing that, she ran a mediocre campaign. Trump's campaign I would argue was also not especially great, but it was a C+ campaign when the pundits thought it was a D-. Hillary's was a C+ that everyone thought was a B+.

Yes, you condescending melon farmer, I know that states have governments.

Good rebuttal.

Nope, Chalmers is right, that's basically what happened. Trump got a similar number of votes to Romney. The Democrats lost because young and minority Democrats didn't turn out for the general election. There was a lot of "she's basically the same as Trump" rhetoric flying around in left-wing circles, as well as "she's

The core problem is that we have a system that rewards political power inversely proportionate to area density, and liberals self-sort into cities and coastal states. Rural white people in Midwestern states end up having vastly disproportionate political power due to the way the system is set up. If things were done

Because demographics changes, gerrymandering, and liberals self-sorting into cities and the coastal states makes it possible for Republicans to win the House, Senate, Presidency and control of state legislatures even as Republicans lose the popular vote by a significant margin.