
Right now we're about five normal president scandal-years into the Trump presidency. It's like watching the Nixon administration in fast motion.

I've still never seen Chastain and Bryce Dallas Howard in the same room together.

Only ten times? Man, you're way better than I am!

That's absolutely true. I just wish they hadn't done it that way, because it makes no sense for the character, who's already an experienced badass. He doesn't even have the excuse of amnesia or injuries at the start of the game.

He picked out and repeatedly mocked a trans student during a speech. That's like the literal definition of bullying.

That's the way to do it. The Witcher 3 is exactly how you don't do difficult combat. You're expected to dodge every attack, but most enemies do absolutely nothing to telegraph before they strike. The Witcher's fighting is more fun when it's a relative cakewalk.

Dark Souls and Bloodborne's environments I love, because as dark and dreary as they can be, they're incredibly beautiful and incredibly varied. They can be awe-inspiring, or haunting and beautiful, or sometimes just plain terrifying. Almost every level is memorable, both for level design and for the artistry. Nioh's

They're not 100% Ninja Gaiden-y, but if you like the genre I heavily recommend Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3. I'm a big fan of Team Ninja's Ninja Gaiden games, and the more recent Souls games have similarly excellent and fast-paced combat. At any rate, Nioh is absolutely up your alley. I've played the demo, and it feels

Yep yep. And if his Twitter history is any indication, he's a genuine believer in the far-right, anti-immigration cause, and he mocks or attacks basically anyone who disagrees with him. Even if it was all an elaborate act, if nobody can tell the difference, does it matter?

Is that the Million Dollar Extreme guy? Nobody outside of Milo better represents the /pol branch of the alt-right with its "ironic" homophobia, racism and sexism. I still can't believe Adult Swim gave that guy a podium; I'm glad that they at least got around to correcting their mistake.

The first 10-15 minutes were actually pretty good! The opening montage and the Batman trying to save people during the attack on Metropolis are far and away the best part of Batman Vs. Superman. It's after that the movies goes way, way downhill.

That issue is 90% about association and habit. Play 60 fps games for a while, and it'll feel so natural that it's weird to go back to lower FPS media. Alternatively you can get a console. I recently played The Witcher 3 on PS4, and believe me, it's a low FPS-lover's dream!

You joke, but that honestly sounds fucking Utopian compared to what we have now.

I don't know about police privatization, but police militarization has definitely gotten worse ever since the Bush administration.

That's ridiculous. Robocop would have never imagined Donald Trump would be President, especially not the crypto-facist 2017 version of Donald Trump. Robocop wasn't exactly subtle, but Trump as president is way too far outside the realm of plausibility, just like it was too out there for the Simpsons movie. (God, what

The black levels ARE off though! I noticed it just now watching the behind-the-scenes footage. It's a relatively minor quibble with an otherwise stunningly gorgeous movie, but dammit, turn the contrast up some Marvel!

You'er the worst.

Bringing up talking points that are totally unrelated to the article, repeatedly posting borderline unrelated links as a footer, insulting people who disagree with you, and linking to a conspiratorial gold-shilling video… congrats, you're 4 for 4 on the right-wing internet crank checklist.

The government essentially got its money back from the bailout, and are you seriously arguing against the stimulus? Do you have any idea how bad things could have gotten without intervention? A major recession is exactly the kind of situation where government spending and intervention is warranted. Leaving the market

Again, Obama's debt is due mostly to the financial crisis, which he inherited, and was the worst of its kind since the Great Depression. He reduced the deficit gradually after 2009.