
Really, not even that. Basically all the increases in poverty and inequality are due entirely to the financial crisis, which Obama inherited. We eventually dug ourselves out of that hole, but it gives Obama some bad metrics. if, instead of looking at how things changed throughout Obama's full term, you look at how

No, I believe that was actually in Heat. Or possibly it's sequel, In the Heat of the Ass.

Hoo boy, if you thought The Dark Knight was incoherent nonsense, stay far, far away from The Dark Knight Rises. Watching it would be extremely painful… for you. I'm the first to admit that The Dark Knight had tons of plot holes. In spite of that, and other flaws, I still love it as a movie. Rises, on the other hand,

Basically everything. They're on PC, the Xbox 360 360 and PS3, the PS4 and Xbox One, Android, iPhone, Mac, Vita, the whole shebang. If you have a toaster there's a 50/50 chance it can run Telltale games. Just about the only platform that can't run it is the Wii U, because Telltale's plan to cover themselves in Mario's

There are a lot of great safe room themes, but for me the best is theme from the Resident Evil HD remaster. The safe rooms are a small oasis of safety nestled away in a world of horror. RE1's safe room song starts off calm, even cozy, before giving way to a palpable sense of unease. It's not nostalgia either, as I

Good job, this convinced me to finally pony up and sign up for a recurring donation. If I can afford $15 a month for HBO Now, I can afford it for the ACLU, dammit!

It's all fun and games until carpal tunnel kicks in.

They need to actually start banning members who participate in these subs, and maybe even instituting some kind of browser/IP ban in certain circumstances. Short of that, you're playing whack-a-mole.

You're the worst!

I own exactly one Funko figurine, still in box, which I got as a gift. It's cute, but I really don't see the appeal in owning more than one; after all, they all look exactly the same! 99% of them have the exact same body/head shape and the same empty, black eyes. Isn't the whole point in these kind of figures that

I think that's true of most games, but heavily story-based games can get by on story and performance. Life is Strange and The Walking Dead Seasons 1-2 had simplistic gameplay, but were powerful experiences because of their well-told stories.

It looks quite good. Even if the hardware is comparatively underpowered, Breath of the Wild's art style is absolutely gorgeous, with its endless vistas and swaying grass. It's not as technically proficient as a game like The Witcher 3, but it doesn't have to be. And it's semi-portable, right? Not bad for a portable

What are you talking about? You seem to be mistaking legitimate criticism for tribalism. I guess dismissing any and all criticism of Trump must be comforting for you.

Ah, true. It could have been influenced by that.

Tribalism is the only reason Republicans nominated a completely unqualified piece of shit who entered the political sphere by bullshit allegations about Obama being born in Kenya.

It's different for MMO's and online-only titles. Single-player games that require online functionality are terrible, but for multiplayer games, especially MMO's, it's built into what they are. Someone has to host the server. Best-case scenario, some fans scrap a mirror server together and stave off the looming spectre

Columbia is beautiful but Gravity Rush has a world that's freely explorable, not a linear series of smaller environments. (To be fair I only played part of Bioshock Infinite, but if I remember it's more linear than Bioshock and System Shock.) Also, Gravity Rush's City, while reminiscent of Columbia, has its own

Warm take: No. Out of the ~10 movies I've seen him in, he's given solid to good to great performances in all of them. Some of his roles had strange decisions to them, but none of them approached being anywhere near genuinely bad.