
Eh, you're still somewhat arbitrarily dismissing art as non-art. I think the better way to look at it is to dismiss pretentious art as pretentious art, not to deny its place as art altogether.

If only Christian Bale had eased off that ridiculous smoker's voice, there'd be an easy favorite for the best Batman/Bruce Wayne performance.

Batman also focuses way too much on the Joker. It's a good performance, but Batman/Bruce Wayne feels almost like an afterthought. The Dark Knight balances things much better in that regard, and in my opinion is a better movie overall, even if it suffers from a drawn-out third act. Batman Returns I'm fuzzy on

Are we talking Arrested-period Bateman, Horrible Bosses-era Bateman, or Zootopia Bateman? He's gone through a lot of changes over the years.

Clowes has some great work that I enjoyed because it was interesting and evoked a mix of powerful emotions, not because it was "soooo edgy." Gilbert Hernandez I think is alternatively good and tedious, but I can see why people love Love and Rockets. I don't really "get" R. Crumb, but if somebody says they like him, I

Art splatters can absolutely be art. So are comics. The arbitrary dismissal of "lowbrow" art forms is matched is incredibly annoying… right up there with arbitrary dismissals of abstract art. Art is art, there's no need to dismiss entire schools of it because you don't like it.

You're the worst.

Big lakes can look a lot like oceans from the shore.

Being shot in the shoulder is the TV/movie equivalent of a skinned knee. Ed Harris will be back.

Yeah. Samantha Bee, you may actually have a point there, but Colbert is equitable and sympathetic to working class Americans.

Far-right fake news is the problem, along with mainstream TV news that trades in scandal rather than actually getting into the issues. If you can convince 30% of the electorate that Obama is a dictator, crime is higher than it's ever been, the economy is failing, Clinton is a serial killer, and a globalist conspiracy

Don't worry, we're going to have four years of Trump as president. There will be plenty of time for Trump voters to cry as well.

I've always imagined it rhyming with "bucks."

Huffington Post was the worst. While Nate Silver was pointing out the possibility of systematic polling error and adjusting accordingly, the good people at HP had the odds at 98% to 2%. You have to wonder how many HP readers didn't bother to vote because they thought the election was a sure thing.

There's no way that isn't a CGI character. As someone who's played around with similar things for a living, my money is on DAZ 3D/Victoria 7 for the rendering software/model.

Since we're objectivising Jaime Lee Curtis, I think she had a hot body, but suffered from Early Onset Oldface. She's in her 30's there, but she looks like a 60-year old, in part because of her long face and extremely strong chin.

"New Godzilla" or "True Godzilla," they explained it in the article.

It's a shame, because she can really be funny on SNL. I think she's one of those actors, like Jim Carrey, who needs to be reigned in, lest they turn it to 11 and go capital-Z ZANY all the time.

So… close… to… saving… up… gold… for… fourth… wing… of… Karazhan…