
Made it!

So… close… to… saving… up… gold… for… third… wing… of… Karazhan…

Poor Rupert Grint, even his name sounds like something from Harry Potter…

Ah, missed that part of the article. And at least in the anime I'd say Light was the protagonist, even if L was the more sympathetic character.

I wonder to what degree will they Westernize the movie? I'm guessing it will be U.S. set, and likely with a white protagonist. Will they still call them Shinigami, or will they just be Demons now? I'm not outraged or anything, this is one anime I don't think would suffer too much from whitewashing. The "Death

I stuck it through. The climax was reasonably satisfying, but there was a lot of unnecessary filler prior to that. Really, most everything after a certain character exits the picture probably could have been done without.

I've only read the first Wheel of Time book. (I bought the second one a few months back, but haven't dug into it yet.) I definitely enjoyed the first one, but it seemed a tad simplistic, by the numbers. There wasn't a lot of complexity to the story or characters; maybe it gets more complex as the story goes on, I

"That button?" Is that some kind of innuendo? Are you referring to the nuclear button, or her clitoris? Because either way, I'd much rather it be her hand than Trump's.

Sick burn bro!

Sick burn bro

My guess is that the spray tan visual gag wouldn't have registered as well if he had yellow skin.

His power may be theoretically limited in terms of domestic policy, but an unstable Commander in Chief can do untold amounts of damage abroad. Trump has a temperament that's perfect for starting international incidents, and he seems almost eager to let Russia expand their sphere of influence. A Trump presidency could

That's the right wing talk radio/Brietbart version of Clinton, not one that has any basis in reality. She's a steady-handed, centrist liberal, nothing more and nothing less.

I don't get the 'Hillary always lies' thing. She's a politician, so she spins things, but she's really no better or worse than any normal political candidate. Hillary is a perfectly reasonable, middle-of-the-road candidate, with positions that are roughly in line with Obama's. Trump, on the other hand, just blatantly

Will he continue to feel that way five or ten years from now, or if he starts to have health problems that prevent him from writing? And perhaps more importantly, will his estate feel that way?

I personally loved Gone Home. "Greatest thing the medium has ever done?" No, and I don't think anyone has claimed that. But it was a moving, atmospheric game, with excellent storytelling, and it was unlike anything else I've ever played.

Or it will be finished posthumously by Brandon Sanderson, as overly long fantasy series sometimes are.

As somebody who's a big Neil Gaiman fan and also literally has a fetish for that, I'M IN.

This looks like it might be good, but if Max Landis is making a TV show, why can't it just be an extended adaptation of Wrestling isn't Wrestling? https://www.youtube.com/wat…