
I personally had no idea he was paralyzed, and I'm guessing the writers didn't either. I know him mostly from newspaper opinion pieces, and the handful of times I've seen him on Fox they did the usual talking head thing.

We've made progress, it doesn't follow that we've made ALL THE PROGRESS.

It isn't always meant in that way, but with Southern Republicans especially there's sometimes a sort of wink-wink, nudge-nudge double meaning when they talk about law and order. Especially when they go out of their way to use words like "thugs," inner-city violence, black and black crime, and tend to be outraged by

The problem our media has isn't political bias, it's a shallow obsession with manufactured controversy over actual substance.

Those polls, I believe, are polling people who were at the RNC. It's not a huge surprise, then, that they liked the speech. Hillary has a significant advantage, not only in terms of the expected popular vote, but also in her ability to win swing states. The most likely possibility is that she'll win the popular vote

That's fair, and I agree that the power-up systems are key to both games. But for the power-up systems to be satisfying, the core gameplay still has to be good. The basics have to be in place before you can add extras. You can't neglect things like level design or combat feel. Otherwise it's like a burger without the

They downplayed the supernatural aspects and weirdness in the preacher promos too. Never trust advertising to give you a good idea of the final product. It's there to try and reach as many people as possible, nothing more, nothing less.

Not all of them have boring level design. Spelunky, for one, often had very interesting random(ish)ly designed levels. Each area felt completely distinct, and the same levels could feel very different from playthrough to playthrough. It's worth pointing out, though, that Spelunky had levels that were built mostly of

Human sacrifice, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!

On rewatch, there are some minor issues with the characters' hair that you wouldn't expect in a pre-rendered trailer. Modern graphics and depth-of-field can look pretty incredible.

Well Ebert's name is basically synonymous with film criticism, and art criticism in general. He's won multiple Pulitzer prizes, he's a public figure, and by far the most famous and widely respected critic in recent memory. His opinion on things holds a lot of weight.

It's… very strongly implied that he shows up in the books. A similar but different priest, from a much more established church, tells Brienne that he found the Hound's body… and aside from a few other strange statements and details, Brienne sees (but doesn't recognize) a suspiciously large gravedigger with a covered

Sandman, which is incredible, is probably his best overall work, and plenty of his short stories are excellent. The only novel of his I've finished was American Gods, and while I enjoyed it, there were some pretty serious pacing issues, so I see where you're coming from.

If his ex-wife doesn't like to read about how happy he is now, she shouldn't read things where he talks about his life. That's on her, not him. He's writing for himself, and for the other ~7 billion people out there.

First they pretend that there could still be antisemitism, and then they had the gall to charge a prince for a sword! What nerve!

And facing off against an actual Python!
Err, wait, Jonathan Pryce was just in Brazil. Screw it, it's by Terry Gilliam, it counts!

Three words: "Trial by Combat."

Haven't seen any Troma movies personally, but I've heard Tromeo and Juliet is by far the "best" of the lot. It's co-directed by Guardians of the Galaxy and Slither director James Gunn, so there's considerably more talent involved than the other movies.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if The Hound comes back. The show never showed his body, and in the books, well…

I'm just happy that Rian Johnson is apparently an Army of Darkness fan. Not surprised, but still, nice to know.