
Apparently people say he's a serial womanizer who doesn't care about other people.

What about Portlandia? Can he at least be in Portlandia?

I'd certainly argue great, at least in the case of The Dark Knight Returns. I don't think it's quite on the level of something like Watchmen, which it's often compared to, but it's a powerful comic.

Going by recent photos of Frank Miller, his health is failing and he may very well have late-stage cancer, so one way or another he's likely not going to be around for too much longer. Well his recent political views are indeed odious, he has produced some of the most iconic and influential comics in the medium,

He's absolutely hilarious and a clever writer. I haven't seen Chronicle, but Death and Return of Superman and Wrestling isn't Wrestling had me cracking up more than anything I've watched in years. It's not nepotism if he's genuinely talented.

Gwendoline Christie is very cute. Far too cute to play a book-accurate character of Brienne, who was supposed to be incredibly ugly in addition to being huge, but Gwendoline gets a pass because she absolutely nails every other aspect of the character.

I have a thing for taller women, to the point of having an actual macrophilia/giantess fetish, (and, funny story… making giantess porn as an actual full-time job.) But I'm very happily dating a girl who's 5'5''. When it comes to actual relationships, there are things that are more important than that kind of arbitrary

Yeah, in a lot of ways Dune really is an allegorical fantasy novel with Sci-Fi elements, not the other way around. Whether it's in our future or not is kind of beside the point for me. Aside from a few throwbacks to our culture like the Orange Catholics, it could very well be set in another universe.

Aside from some pretty lacking production values, the Sci-Fi Channel Dune miniseries was actually quite good, as I remember. (If you haven't seen it… then again, this is a Dune thread on the AV club, so odds are everyone has.)

Maybe that's how it started, but the lack of computers evolved into an interesting bit of world-building. The Butlerian Jihad AI wars resulted in a religious system that banned anything resembling AI, and thus all computers ("Man shall not make machine in his image," IIRC.) It's an interesting conceit that's been

Pssh, kids don't actually watch Steven Universe. I'm pretty sure its fanbase is nothing but teenage and 20-something Tumblr-ites.

Do we all have to hate on Jodorowski's comics now? Metabarons was insane and frequently off-putting, but the hallucinogenic visuals and creativity, along with the sheer over-the-top scale of it all worked somehow, like a bizarre, postmodern version of an especially violent Norse epic. To be fair, the art did a lot to

Current-day Gene Simmons is a horrible caricature of a person. A while back he was going on a tirade about how poor people should show millionaires more appreciation because 'have you ever been hired by a poor person?' Seriously, Gene, who the hell do you think buys your albums? Is there one Martin Shrikeli-esque

The important thing is that, at the end of the day, people of all political persuasions can come together and get off to weird racist cuckold porn.

…He said, defending a group of reactionary conspiracy nuts who think women are trying to take away their rights.

There are actual male-specific issues where there's still progress for men to make, regardless of how much power men may have in general. There are military drafts, stronger social stigmas against unemployment, pressure to be traditionally "masculine" and not show emotion, just to name a few.

The trailer was definitely underwhelming, but I'm cautiously optimistic about the movie. Paul Feig and the cast are all very talented people, and if there's one person who can make an all-female Ghostbusters reboot work it's the creator of Bridesmaids, Spy and Freaks and Geeks.

'We Hunted The Mammoth and /pol' board invasions coming in 3… 2… 1…