
Yeah, but the sane reply to a mediocre reboot is somewhere between indifference and mild annoyance, not apoplectic rage. Then again, these are internet fanboys we're talking about…

Deadpool looked pretty good, and they used CGI for most of his stunts. Be patient, by the time the movie comes out the CGI should be vastly improved.

Say what you will about Vermin's policies, at least the man is consistent.

I'm sure the internet will take this well and be completely reasonable.

A roommate showed me a video called "Cakefarts" in college. We had a good laugh over it. But PIE fetish videos? That's just going too far.

$50 * an approx. 16 shots in a fifth = $800. Plus the food. So… Yeah.

There's enough entropy as it is, thank you. Art restoration is a good thing.

Most of the vile was tongue-in-cheek. (I hope.)

I'm nitpicking. I liked the movie a lot, as exhausting as it could be to watch.

Not even kind of, with the Martian. Maybe in terms of subject matter? Prometheus was a bad movie, but all of its problems came from the mess of a script. The Martian had far more in common with Apollo 13 than it did with something like Armageddon.

That was true not long ago, but there's now little if any advantage to shooting on film. If you prefer the look or "feel" of film, great, you can get a pitch-perfect replica of that look from Digital footage with some simple post-processing. Watch this video: http://www.yedlin.net/Displ…

It depends on the work. Personally, I enjoyed The Revenant, but I think it would have worked better as a shorter, more focused story.

He managed to hike 200 miles through Indian country after being mauled by a Grizzly bear, which is pretty impressive. He had also wanted revenge on Fitzgerald. But the movie takes a lot of liberties when it comes to just how impossible the odds were.

I loved the Revenant, but it did drag on far longer than it needed to. Half the runtime was just Hugh Glass surviving one impossible obstacle after another. Which is fine, for a while, until it strains credulity. There was the part where he Glass floats down freezing cold rapids in the Rocky Mountains in the middle of

When someone unironically refer to whole swaths of people as "plebeian,' that's a good indicator that I can probably discount whatever they're going to say.

The hell was wrong with The Martian?

They're not my favorite band, but I definitely like their music. OK Go is one of the more energetic indie bands, and I've kept a lot of their songs in rotation for work/exercise mixes over the years. Also, as someone who's too cheap to pay for concerts, they're one of a handful of extremely random bands I've seen

What about men in a committed, loving relationship who also sometimes masturbate to anime? I sure as hell am not going to vote for Trump!

As much as I hated the baby, and all the various other custesy/annoying characters DK3 doubled down on, It really is a good game. Purely in terms of gameplay and level design, it's pretty stellar. Personally, I think it might even be better than the original Donkey Kong, but that's just me. (Of course, nothing

I know that was the idea originally, but now people use Twitter for so much more than just sharing brief clips of text… I can see keeping some kind of limit, but 140 characters is incredibly restrictive.l