
As long as twitter gets rid of the 140 character limit, they can make whatever damn changes they want. If you're going to have a limit, 1/3

Yes there most definitely is. Not that there's anything wrong with that!

Why can't they just be into giantess stuff like normal people?

The movie Arachnophobia made me scared of toilets. It's been a long time since I've seen Arachnophobia, the Jeff Daniels killer spiders movie from the 90's, so my memory is a bit iffy. As I recall, though, there was a scene where somebody sits down on a toilet, only to have a deadly jungle spider crawl up from inside

I didn't remember that part of the ending, but yeah, that is a stupid, completely unnecessary change. Maybe Snyder wanted to leave things open for a sequel/spinoff with Night Owl and Silk Spectre? Otherwise, I can't imagine why they would change that, but oh well.

In some ways it was almost a shot-for-shot remake, and yet it completely flubbed the tone. Making Ozymandias into a smarmy, 30-something, Eurotrash, obvious baddie just didn't work, and it completely telegraphed the big twist.Snyder seemed like he was trying too hard to make things grimdark, which is completely

My right-wing, Rush Limbaugh-listening dad once unironically called her a "genius." She has her fans. Her stupid, ill-informed fans.

Godzilla's non-Cranston characters were boring, sure. But what the movie had going for it more than anything else, was an impressive sense of scale and immersive camerawork. Watching it at home, you might not get the full effect, but in the cinema it was really impressive.

Maybe not better, but it's more fun. If you take out the Ewok's, RotJ is just a really great movie. Not as good as the Empire Strikes Back, but I'd put it on roughly the same level as A New Hope.

I'd like him to have some input on the story, but direct? No. The two best movies from the original Star Wars movie weren't even directed by him. The prequels showed what can happen when you give Lucas full creative control as a director. (Spoiler alert: he tries to do absolutely everything himself, without listening

"I'd enjoy mammary intercourse with that attractive woman's large breasts!" Is that the kind of ribald talk you're talking about?

I think GoT is all about veeeeery delayed gratification. My money's on Walder Frey and the Boltons getting their comeuppance in a big way… eventually.

I'd just like to point out that the well-endowed Asian woman on the Nacho Picasso cover is Hitomi Tanaka, a busty Japanese model and pornstar. Not that I, erm, instantly recognized her, or knew her name off that top of my head or anything. Ahem.

The characters aren't very deeply written, but Blankets was still a powerful and moving graphic novel. I read it in my early 20s, when I was basically the perfect audience for it: an isolated, romantically experienced, wanna-be sensitive artist who grew up in an extremely religious conservative family. Would Blankets

The re-released versions aren't that bad. Empire Strikes Back is near-flawless, aside form one unnecessarily altered scene. A New Hope and Return of the Jedi have some unnecessary additions and flawed CGI, but they're still perfectly enjoyable to watch. His only real crime was refusing to re-release the original

For all their flaws, the first two prequels did have some genuinely great individual scenes. It's a shame they were buried under a heap of terrible writing, but they were there.

'Comic Books" also isn't perfect, as far as overly literal pedantry goes. Some of these books aren't very comic; something tells me 'Hitler' isn't exactly a laugh riot. And then there's the lingering association of the phrase 'comic book' with kid stuff, superheroes and illiteracy. Maybe 'graphic novel' can be a bit

How much does that cost the city? Does nobody think that maybe there are better uses for several hundred dollar piece of NYC's infrastructure than throwing them at people?

That's a matter of opinion. Me and my GF watched the Extended editions a while back, over the course of a week (part 1 of Fellowship on night, part 2 the next, etc..) we were amazed at how entertaining they still were.