
Don't equate them. Lord of the Rings were genuinely great movies, King Kong and the Hobbit tried to be similarly epic but failed in execution. I like Dead Alive as much as the next guy, but the Lord of the Rings movies deserve to be considered classics.

There was a great This American Life episode about the Doritos Taco and all the other self-consciously crazy mash-up foods that fast food chains have been experimenting with. They went behind the scenes and recorded the super-serious, downright scientific food-execs experimenting with mashed potato burgers in a

The 'Death Metal' part of their name is ironic. Unfortunately, the actual death wasn't.

Yeah I admit I half-watched this at my parent's house while surfing the internet and playing Hearthstone. Which is about as much attention as I could dedicate to it without going insane… The Cobbler was mildly entertaining as background noise, I can't even imagine paying $10 and dedicating an hour of my attention to

Hey, sorry. yeah, it's not for the faint of heart. I couldn't resist posting it in response to the 'drop the band on them' comment (it was just too perfect!), but given everything that's happening, I probably could have given a more serious warning. My heart goes out to the families and survivors of the attack.

Interesting, curious how that will pan out. I admit I haven't actually read the comic (yet,) everything I know is from skimming the wikipedia entry and a few articles.

The difference is, when Rolling Stone realized that they fucked up by not properly fact-checking the article, THEY APOLOGIZED.

Finally, a dark and gritty version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

I admit that I did once go into full-on psycho mode when a friend made fun of me for losing… I may have raged out and hit him in the head with a N64 controller. Although he wasn't actually hurt, and he still brings it up 18 years later, so who's the real jerk here?

Like the last two Bond movies, it's following 'Save the Cat,' the overused, ultra-specific action/thriller screenwriting guide. It guides the action down to what page of the screenplay the requisite plot twists should happen on, and the necessary archeotypes; the lead character is always a young(ish) man, who clashes

Quinn's getting genderswapped for the show, so it will presumably be her "boyfriend" instead.

Is it a contest now? Or a race? A race-race, I guess?

She has an adorable, freckly ginger kind of hotness. The kind that makes you want to pinch her cheeks and go "d'aww, you're so cute!" before doing unspeakable things with her.

Well those are polls that include all the candidates, which means republicans are split between a veritable clown car of candidates. What I was talking about are the general election polls that pit Hillary against Trump one-on-one. Those are disturbingly close at the moment, and Trump hasn't been losing steam. http://w

Ah, okay, that is a relief. Yeah, I really shouldn't worry too much about such early polls, but really it's just infuriating that ANYONE thinks Ben Carson or Trump should be president, let along 30% of the country.

Recent polls have shown him coming close to beating Hillary, but then again the general election is still a long, long way off. Hopefully Trump's charm will have worn off by then, and Hillary will look better with the email "scandal" behind her.

If only liberals started turning up in "off-year" elections. I admit I missed a couple myself when I was younger. As long as the Republican party and the Tea Party keeps their stranglehold on congress, and the "liberal media" lets Fox News guide the country's narrative, the Overton Window is going to continue it's

I'm starting to worry he might actually win… after all, a pretty sizable chunk of the U.S. electorate votes for the candidate they want to have a beer with. (Remember how that went last time?)