
The Others was inspired by the classic horror novella The Turning of the Screw. I never got around to reading it, but I'm guessing that the whole 'the main character was the ghost all along!' dates back to that.

You guys are still at it? Points for effort, I guess. "It's about ethics in being a dick to women for no good reason"

Hard Candy, maybe? Although that was obviously a completely different take on the scenario.

Before LiveJournal, the only message boards he used to communicate with fans were actual, literal message boards.

They'll have to get creative, but imagine the kind of epic rape scenes you could have with a blockbuster film budget. The entire White Walker army being raped by the Dothraki… Age of Ultron got nothing on that.

Didn't Breaking Bad essentially do that? The show opened with a flash-forward of Walter White recording a message for his unborn son from his meth lab/RV, police sirens in the distance. It could easily have been something that didn't actually happen until a few episodes in… but it happened near the end of the first


Lucky. I'm pretty sure I've heard my dad blasting him on the radio before.

And Saul Goodman's current office, if you count the nail salon as part of his office.

Same, only I regrettably stuck with it well into college. Totally predictable, sophomoric non-jokes… what a waste of a great cast.

Hey, it's just 1% of the population. Which is still shockingly high, and 5% of black men are in prison, but… what was my point again?

Hard work is important, but so is being born into wealth and privilege. There are plenty of people who work hard but just don't have the right opportunities and connections to be successful. And then there are people like the Waltons, who inherited more wealth than the bottom 2/5ths of the country by doing fuck-all.

To be fair, Boyhood was only titled such because the original title (12 Years) would have been really easy to get confused with 12 Years a Slave.

Hearing NWO's Elegia instantly brought back memories of Mark Osborne's short film MORE: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
On rewatch, it's not exactly subtle, but damn if that video doesn't pack a punch.

Having a high income is no excuse for reckless spending. The money you spent on that Alfa Romeo could've gone towards a down-payment on your house. And don't tell me it was new, you'll lose half the value driving it off the lot. Spammers just don't have any financial sense these days.

It's definitely a body double, but it's not like her breasts couldn't have gotten bigger since then; bigger boobs are one plus-side to having kids and/or gaining weight.

They're playing the long game. Drive all brick and mortar stores out of business, use strong-arm tactics to buy out their competitors, jack up their prices, then take over the world with their drone army.

Next thing you'll be saying that The Human Centipede isn't 100% medically accurate!

I figured it was coming as soon as Melisandre made a comment about her having King's blood. I just figured the show would do a better job of justifying why Stannis felt it was necessary… Having Stannis give in after a 20-man raid conveniently destroyed all of his army's food and siege equipment just seemed forced.

For what it's worth, I found the latter of these incidents absolutely devastating (more in the books than on the show, although that could just because when I watched the show I knew what was coming.) Of course, she's not just some faceless girl… Even if we don't see her for more than a few seconds, we see the effect