
Whoa, that's pretty objectionable. 'picnics?' Watch your language, some people find the P-word to be deeply offensive.

That, and she was a established as being incredibly sweet and caring (she teached Davos how to read! D'aww.) And she's an adorable little girl with a terrible disease (Dragonscale), played by an adorable little girl with a terrible disease (Brittle bone syndrome,) who's burned at the stake, while her parents watch in

There's a huge, huge difference between a work that depicts racism or misogyny and a work that's racist or misogynist. Otherwise that Margaret Atwood must have been a hell of a misogynist writing a book like The Handmaid's Tale.

I think the show did a good job establishing two things: that Stannis loves his daughter, and yet would sacrifice anything to become King (for what he at least tells himself are noble reasons.) That front succeeded; I fully buy that he would sacrifice his own daughter if it was the only way to avoid his army freezing

This season has kind of felt all over the place tonally too. Jaime's plot in Dorne in particular felt like it was going for some kind of 'goofy FX buddy action/adventure dramedy.'

——————————-LOOK AT THIS ONCE——————————-

He was alive near the end of Season 3. Remember when Ramsey sends Theon's Dick in a Box(TM)?

There are some high-class prostitutes who make good money and enjoy their jobs, but they're firmly in the minority. More of them are doing it because they're desperate, broke or drug addicted. Some are trafficked or underage, and many are exploited by their pimps. Not that keeping prostitution illegal has made this

Funny, I've always just called my kids "Broodsons, bearers of my fathers' seed." That's normal, right?

Yeah, in spite of having a fairly powerful PC, I mostly play games on my Xbox 360 (and soon on my PS4, which UPS should be bringing by this afternoon! Yay!) But I know people who play games exclusively on PC, and get annoyed when something like Dark Souls isn't playable with a keyboard and mouse. Of course it's not

It's definitely worth getting a controller on the PC, I can't even imagine trying to play a game like Dark Souls or Super Meat Boy with a keyboard and mouse. Xbox 360 controllers are the way to go, and make sure to get a wired controller. They'll work with any computer that has a USB port, they have the widest support

He deserves at least some of the blame… who thought it was a good idea to film a movie entirely in Dutch angles?

I can't stand traditional bedframes, but captain's beds are the hotness. Built-in storage and no need for a box spring? Yes please.

Or, for that matter, The Room. Seriously, the first 20 minutes of the movie are gratuitous soft-core porn scenes.

What if we pick 42 because we're sci-fi nerds?

I'm on team 'freed slaves leading a violent revolution against their oppressors,' but that's just me.

Something tells me I'm not the only one who's more excited by the Lego Batman Movie than Batman vs Superman…