
Hi, I used to work as a QA here in Stockholm, tho, since my last job it's been real hard finding more work. I've done some minor things free just to get it on the CV, but even internships are hard to come by without a collage/university education.

Good news, everyone! We don't have to dread YouTube purchasing Twitch! All the worst parts are already here!

Thank you. Someone needed to mention this.

Bitch. Please.

Don't know what you mean...

Counter-suggestion; Sicquet

Damn, that Morpheus was real lookingalikey.

My wallet couldn't handle seeing them everyday as a wallpaper.

I just clicked this link to sit drooling at those headphones...

Thank god someone said something.

I couldn't go with this. You realize this to some point encourages that we separate genders even more..?

Rarely have I felt doubt like I felt, and still feel, about my thermal paste. Please don't talk to me about my thermal paste. I'm serious.

Fuck thermal paste. There may be no more divisive, infuriating, doubt-infecting substance in all of technology. How does one best apply thermal paste? How can it be screwed up? What happens if it's applied wrong? How can you tell?

If only someone thought about us color-blind peeps when they did this...

I can't see anything but that old psychedelic screensaver that was in... Windows '95 or something(?). Not completely sure about the version.

We sure do!

Yup! Seen your mails! ;)

Oh god that's good.

Brown switches for life <3

I'm tired of all the "women and aren't physically the same" argument here and everywhere else for that matter.