
Let's also remember this does not need to me physical pain.

+1 Valid response.

How is the secret shop secret if its marked on the map. Wut.

This year?! Jesus, here I am, sitting and playing XCOM: EW and some The Wolf Among Us...

I'd take the moonshine.

Funny thing about Alpha builds…they're not done. Please pardon our Moon dust!

How is this a simulator? You aren't the grass as the player!

I think this is generally for the situation where something bad has actually happened

Yes this is a quite good tip but... This could be somewhat harmful for some people I think- It's at least worth considering- My mind would question these questions, and not in a particular positive way;

Seriously?! It's an article about a REAL DUBSTEP GUN and when I scroll down the popular discussion is about the freaking game and the story?! What!

Hah! This is quite funny reading since I'm here in Stockholm, using Celsius normally.

My mistake, it's just (by some reason?) listed as "Suede" ...

Any ideas why Sweden ain't an option?

Who the hell in their right mind ain't a Wu-Tang fan?

I was wondering about that.

What? This is the opposite then what you'd want!

Good point, good perspective!

I like how almost every comment is compared to or reflects on the previous Battlefield games and/or DICE, when DICE has not really much to do with this article (Guys, did you read the name? Ian Milham.) and the previous Battlefields were actually made by DICE and this is just EA taking a successful brand label and

I'm not gonna suggest a game I'm afraid. But I am gonna suggest what I think is missing the most.

Yep, Skyrim is $10 right now. Though the deal is until the 30th on June. So you can breathe.